magus / react-native-facebook-login

React Native component wrapping the native Facebook SDK login button and manager
MIT License
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Unable to resolve module ' react-native-facebook-login' #249

Open Tawfeekamr opened 7 years ago

Tawfeekamr commented 7 years ago

FBSDK Please Work

1 week from troubleshooting! same issue!! i just working on login with Facebook using react-native , i create more than 12 projects with different codes and methods i see it in internet no one love my problem.

In first project (i create it in past) the problem was same issue when i import FBSDK:

`import FBSDK, {LoginManager} from 'react-native-fbsdk'

[What i try]

reset cache , reset npm , delete modules , change require , install last version of react-native , install alpha6 , alpha 12 , restart mac , Xcode , quit simulation , npm start --reset-cache , rm -rf node_modules && npm install , watchman watch-del-all , kill process and restart npm , install non 8 , install npm 6 LTS

@ i follow this tutorials :

In Last project i make it very carefully by download example project named "react-native-fbsdk-master" from github by dzhuowen , Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

If you have project worked for you please upload the file or share code to see what is the problem.

@My Hardware spec:

Mac OS El Captain npm 5.0.3 react-native-cli: 2.0.1 node.js v8.1.2 react-native-fbsdk

Tawfeekamr commented 7 years ago

How Does i solve the problem ?!

The 'react-native-facebook-login' worked for me by do this steps: 0- Create New react-native project then install npm by npm i

1- Download the SDK and unzip the archive to ~/Documents/FacebookSDK

the name of folder must to be FacebookSDK and this folder in Documents.

2- Make new folder named Framework From Documents/FacebookSDK folder, drag the folder Bolts.framework, FBSDKCoreKit.Framework, FBSDKLoginKit.Framework, FBSDKShareKit.Framework into your Xcode Projects Framework folder.

3- Goto Make new App from Facebook Dev. then input Bundle Identifier to get App ID ... skip this steps: Configure your info.plist Track App Installs and App Opens Enable Sign in then copy the AppID.

4- Go to react-native terminal and install react-native-fbsdk by

npm install react-native-fbsdk@0.6.0 --save react-native link react-native-fbsdk

5- Go to your react-native app then open iOS folder, the direction now is YourApp/ios make new file without extintion name Podfile open this file by textedit and put this code (don't forget to change YourApp to real name of your app):

# You Podfile should look similar to this file. React Native currently does not support use_frameworks!
source ''

platform :ios, '8.0'

target '<YourApp>' do
  # Fixes required for pod specs to work with rn 0.42
  react_native_path = "../node_modules/react-native"
  pod "Yoga", :path => "#{react_native_path}/ReactCommon/yoga"
  pod "React", :path => react_native_path, :subspecs => [

  pod 'GoogleMaps'  # <~~ remove this line if you do not want to support GoogleMaps on iOS

# when not using frameworks  we can do this instead of including the source files in our project (1/4):
#  pod 'react-native-maps', path: '../../'
#  pod 'react-native-google-maps', path: '../../'  # <~~ if you need GoogleMaps support on iOS

6- Change terminal dir to YourApp/ios then apply this: npm install pod

7- Now to to Xcode project that found react-native folder , then go to AppDelegate.m and put this code replace all the file by the code above.

8- Back to YourApp dir in terminal , then Apply this command in terminal npm install plist xcode adm-zip --save-dev

9- Then apply this cp ./node_modules/react-native-fbsdk/ios_setup.js ./ios_setup.js in terminal.

10- Next: node ./ios_setup.js [App ID] [App Name] , by change App ID to facebook id you get it , App name the same name you created in past (ex. YourApp).

11 - You must sure the Xcode like this: Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

be sure there is no bugs related to import xxxxxx.h !! this issues will build sometimes correctly but the app not working and FBSDK will show errors, step 5-6 to resolve problem called #import <React/RCTBundleURLProvider.h> not found.

12- You must but ~/Documents/FacebookSDK to Build Settings under search path like you see in this photo.

Simple, Free Image and File Hosting at MediaFire

13- Now open index.ios.js download it with worked code 100%:

or follow this tips to write another code

14- After replace your index.ios.js with downloaded in (13), open it and change this:

export default class ZApp extends Component

to your real app name

export default class YourApp extends Component

Then save it!

15- Back to terminal Now Build App by react-native run-iso, the app must work 💯 %.

Best Regards

Tawfeeq Amro