This configures Jenkins to integrate with GitHub PRs.
You can test it by doing the following:
Create the dev environment on AWS with make env-jenkins-dev-aws (you could use the prod environment too but producing dev is just a single command)
Login and configure the Github Pull Request Plugin manually as per the newly added line in the README (the configuration as code doesn't support this plugin yet, sadly)
Create the seed job as usual and run it
The seed job will produce a pipeline-jenkins_sample_lib multibranch pipeline job. Go to this job and click on Scan Repository Now to populate it.
Check on the jenkins_sample_lib repo to see if a Webhook has been added. If it hasn't, go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Github -> Advanced and click on the 'Re-register all web hooks' button. You should then see it in the repo settings (I don't know why it sometimes doesn't get added).
Clone the jenkins_sample_lib repo and create a branch and update the README, then create a PR for it.
You should see a build occur in Jenkins for the PR and also see that build on the pull request page in GitHub.
Hi Stephen/Calum,
This configures Jenkins to integrate with GitHub PRs.
You can test it by doing the following:
make env-jenkins-dev-aws
(you could use the prod environment too but producing dev is just a single command)pipeline-jenkins_sample_lib
multibranch pipeline job. Go to this job and click onScan Repository Now
to populate it.jenkins_sample_lib
repo to see if a Webhook has been added. If it hasn't, go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Github -> Advanced and click on the 'Re-register all web hooks' button. You should then see it in the repo settings (I don't know why it sometimes doesn't get added).jenkins_sample_lib
repo and create a branch and update the README, then create a PR for it.You should see a build occur in Jenkins for the PR and also see that build on the pull request page in GitHub.