mailjet / prestashop-mailjet-plugin-apiv3

GNU General Public License v2.0
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Fix for connect and config problem #104

Closed ibragims closed 2 years ago

ibragims commented 3 years ago

If someone has problem to Connect/config the plugin.

Edit mailjet.php

find line 1387 - 1398 $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'MJ_templates' => $this->mj_template->getTemplates(), 'MJ_iframes' => $this->mj_template->getIframesURL(), 'MJ_errors' => $this->errors_list, 'MJ_page_name' => $this->page_name, 'MJ_template_name' => $this->mj_pages->getTemplateName($this->page_name), 'MJ_template_tab_name' => $this->mj_pages->getTemplateTabName($this->page_name), 'MJ_authentication' => $this->isAccountSet(), 'MJ_TOKENUSER' => isset($this->account->{'TOKEN' . $this->context->employee->id}) ? $this->account->{'TOKEN_' . $this->context->employee->id} : null, 'MJ_user_plan' => $this->getPlan(), ));

and replace with $this->context->smarty->assign( array( 'MJ_templates' => $this->mj_template->getTemplates(), 'MJ_iframes' => $this->mj_template->getIframesURL(), 'MJ_errors' => $this->errors_list, 'MJ_page_name' => $this->page_name, 'MJ_template_name' => $this->mj_pages->getTemplateName($this->page_name), 'MJ_template_tab_name' => $this->mj_pages->getTemplateTabName($this->page_name), 'MJ_authentication' => $this->isAccountSet(), 'MJ_TOKENUSER' => isset($this->account->{'TOKEN' . $this->context->employee->id}) ? $this->account->{'TOKEN_' . $this->context->employee->id} : null, 'MJ_user_plan' => $this->getPlan(), 'MJ_base_dir' => $this->module_access['uri'], 'MJ_local_path' => $this->module_access['dir'], 'MJ_REQUEST_PAGE_TYPE' => MailJetPages::REQUEST_PAGE_TYPE, 'MJ_ADMINMODULES_TOKEN' => Tools::getAdminTokenLite('AdminModules'), 'MJ_available_pages' => $smarty_page, 'MJ_tab_page' => $this->mj_pages->getPages(MailJetPages::REQUIRE_PAGE), 'MJ_adminmodules_link' => $this->getAdminModuleLink(array()), 'MJ_allemails_active' => Configuration::get('MJ_ALLEMAILS'), 'MJ_TOKEN' => $this->account->TOKEN, 'nobug' => $nobug, 'mjSenders' => $this->getOnlyEmailSenders($mjSenders), 'currentSender' => $currentSender ) );

btronquo commented 3 years ago

Perfect, this is the right way to setup mailjet.

I don't see any update from the mailjet team on this repo, does this mean it's abandoned ?

oleksandr-mykhailenko commented 2 years ago

Hello, it's not abandoned. Sorry to hear, that you have problems with that. We are working on plugin and soon we will release a new version with fixes for bugs

oleksandr-mykhailenko commented 2 years ago

Issues was fixed and deployed into master branch