maj-personal-repos / UnDeepVO

UnDeepVO - Implementation of Monocular Visual Odometry through Unsupervised Deep Learning
MIT License
104 stars 34 forks source link

New idea #2

Open royal-feng opened 6 years ago

royal-feng commented 6 years ago

I wander a new idea about the pose_net . Because the input of the pose_net is 2 continuous frame without the estimate_depth ,it is precondition. If I have the Groundtruth of pose, May I train the pose_net with 2 continuous frame and its pose-GT? Can the pose_net have the ability to learn the pose between the 2 image in a supervised way? Just for test the pose_net, I understand the meaning of the unsupervised learning.

ghost commented 6 years ago

Yes, I'm sure that it would work. Similar work has been carried out before. Have a look at

And the github repo: