malariagen / PfCrossesWeb

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Implement 'Find Gene' as in PopGen with links to tabs where it is relevant. #30

Closed benjeffery closed 10 years ago

benjeffery commented 11 years ago

Gene pop-up is now fully integrated, if I have missed any where let me know,

alimanfoo commented 11 years ago

Main popup looks good, a couple of functionality points, re-opening here rather than raising new issues...

benjeffery commented 11 years ago

The search functionality is all there - for some reason the crosses database doesn't have name or description. I'll need to find the appropriate GFF and import.

As for the single vs double click behaviour note that this is common across all DQX apps. Enter also works...

pvaut commented 11 years ago

When identifying a new GFF set, perhaps also worth taking issue #37 into account (pseudogenes).

pvaut commented 10 years ago is now used as the annotation. Apparently, this is what is being used for the PGV3.0 data set.