malaskowski / aet-docker

Docker support for AET - easy to set up local/developer environment with example Docker Swarm configuration.
Apache License 2.0
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AET Docker client #26

Closed malaskowski closed 4 years ago

malaskowski commented 4 years ago

Introducing new way to run AET suites with no extra dependencies but Docker.

You may use an image that embeds AET Bash client together with its dependencies by running:

docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/suite:/aet/suite" -v "$(pwd)/report:/aet/report" skejven/aet_client AET_INSTANCE_IP /aet/suite/SUITE_YOU_WANT_TO_RUN

E.g. when you run AET on Docker for Mac/Win and have following setup:

├── custom
│   └── my-suite.xml

and want to run my-suite.xml file, simply run: docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/custom:/aet/suite" -v "$(pwd)/report:/aet/report" skejven/aet_client http://host.docker.internal /aet/suite/my-suite.xml

The results will be saved to the report directory:

├── report
│   ├── redirect.html
│   └── xUnit.xml

Notice that we are using here host.docker.internal as the address of AET instance - that works only for Docker for Mac/Win with local AET setup. In other cases, use the AET server's IP/domain.