malsup / cycle2

2nd gen cycling
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Use CSS transitions #96

Open ivandotv opened 11 years ago

ivandotv commented 11 years ago

Cycle2 is a great slideshow, but animations on handheld devices are very jerky. Is there a way to use CSS3 transition for animations?

malsup commented 11 years ago

That's something I'll add at some point, but it's not currently supported.

ivandotv commented 11 years ago

I've tried to overwrite the animations and use for transitions, but I haven't had much luck.

keeganbrown commented 11 years ago

ikixxx, add -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0) to the style of the cycle container itself and see if that solves your problem. There's more than one way to skin that cat.

joeworkman commented 11 years ago

I agree... this would be awesome.

wonderment commented 10 years ago

I wanted to note keeganbrown's suggestion on my overall wrapper for the carousel improved the sliding smoothness ten fold. Thank you!

bbmatt commented 10 years ago

As a long-term user of jquery cycle, I've been looking into css transition alternatives myself, but beware, here be dragons right at the moment!

Check Paul Irish on moving elements and translate, in particular the comments: It's fairly clear there's no level playing field regarding performance increases / rendering issues and just plain bugginess.

Then we have alex maccaw with his excellent article about css transitions: Note the warnings in the hardware acceleration section and in particular, note how recent builds of Chrome are already using the GPU for opacity and 2d. Finally, there's iOS issues with translate3d.

In short, it's a fast moving target at the moment.

If your keen on experimenting, a great 'shortcut' to get you into css transitions, is jquery.transit -

willfaulds commented 10 years ago

I saw this and remembered this thread. Its a entirely CSS animation approach but might be of use

ddimaria commented 10 years ago

I know this is an old thread, but for anyone searching for using CSS3 transitions with Cycle2, just include jQuery transit ( and replace the 3 'animate' calls with 'transition'. For the first 2, you'll need to remove the easing params to get it to work.

nyc-derek commented 9 years ago

Using Transit worked perfectly. I was already using it on my site for sidebar animations and replacing animate with transition and deleting the two easings did the trick!

tadywankenobi commented 9 years ago

@keeganbrown that solution worked fantastic. But... why?! I don't know enough about the plugin to understand why this helps? Is this a browser or plugin targetted solution?

Either way, thanks a million.

keeganbrown commented 9 years ago

@tadywankenobi It's a browser targeted solution, and should help in many instances where jQuery animation is choppy. If you want a technical explanation: adding transform3d(0,0,0) to the container causes that container to be rendered by the GPU instead of the CPU (essentially because you're telling the browser that it will have 3d effects, and 3d effects are GPU hardware accelerated in mobile phones that support them). It's very easy to over use this technique, so be warned -- use it judiciously on targeted areas. Using that technique too many times on the page can cause animation to look worse, or cause weird blinking or visual errors -- basically because the GPU on the phone is running out of memory. Hope that makes sense.

tadywankenobi commented 9 years ago

@keeganbrown That's absolutely perfect, thanks a million. I just need it for a client who wouldn't accept the advice of It's a weird design and the carousel itself is not standard, so I'm just looking to get them to go away!!!

Thanks again, makes perfect sense now.

shirotech commented 9 years ago

Here is a simple gist to have this as a plugin:

Then just need to make { swipeFx: 'cssTransition', fx: 'cssTransition' }

Hope this helps.

richgcook commented 9 years ago

Hi folks, I even find fade animation on iOS devices really choppy. Would CSS3 transforms/transitions help with that too?