maltejur / discord-screenaudio

A custom discord client that supports streaming with audio on Linux.
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Streaming audio not working on wayland #195

Open se735 opened 8 months ago

se735 commented 8 months ago

The menu only lets me select the screen or application but not the resolution or audio source


MarsStudio1970 commented 8 months ago

I started experiencing a similar issue a day ago, where I'm unable to even pick audio source, clicking the screen share button will automatically jump straight to screen sharing without any audio instead of showing the source pick window.

se735 commented 8 months ago

I started experiencing a similar issue a day ago, where I'm unable to even pick audio source, clicking the screen share button will automatically jump straight to screen sharing without any audio instead of showing the source pick window.

Are you using hyprland?

maltejur commented 8 months ago

Have you already updated to v1.9.1?

se735 commented 8 months ago

Have you already updated to v1.9.1?


JumperLuko commented 8 months ago

I was at 1.8.2, and have got the same bug. But now I update to 1.9.1 and is fixed.

sim590 commented 8 months ago

Not sure if it's related to Wayland especially, but It used to work for me before I updated. Except for the fact that it started to crash recently due to some the issue #196.

I updated to 1.9.2, now it doesn't crash anymore, but the screen doesn't share correctly. All I see is this weird dimensioned black box:


Also, I used to have the opportunity to select the screen I wanted to share with as my mouse would change into a cross, but now it doesn't do that anymore and it goes straight to displaying this black box.

Here is the log I get when I press the screenshare button:

Log ``` [discord] [RTCControlSocket] Sending heartbeat [discord] [RTCControlSocket] Heartbeat ACK received [virtmic] Starting Virtmic with target "[All Desktop Audio]" [virtmic] Added: discord-screenaudio [virtmic] Added: FMOD Audio [virtmic] Link: FMOD Audio:169 -> 102 [virtmic] Link: FMOD Audio:182 -> 170 [virtmic] Added: Music Player Daemon [virtmic] Link: Music Player Daemon:87 -> 102 [virtmic] Link: Music Player Daemon:89 -> 170 [userscript] Found 'discord-screenaudio-virtmic' [215677:215677:1028/] Failed to create a screen cast session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: L’interface « org.freedesktop.portal.ScreenCast » n’existe pas pour l’objet à l’emplacement /org/freedesktop/portal/desktop [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate": 20 [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: 20, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: undefined, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate": 20 [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: 20, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: undefined, localWant: 100 [discord] [RTCControlSocket] [CONNECT] wss:// [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Connecting to RTC server wss://, rtc-connection-id: 3ca58d42-0ca2-4a3d-b03c-94d8bb9bbd12 [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: AWAITING_ENDPOINT => CONNECTING [discord] [StreamTile] Stream Tile State - activeStream: true | selected: false | Video: true | MediaEngine: true [virtmic] Added: discord-screenaudio [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Connected to RTC server. [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: CONNECTING => AUTHENTICATING [discord] [RTCControlSocket] [CONNECTED] wss:// in 169 ms [discord] [RTCControlSocket] [HELLO] heartbeat interval: 5000, version: 7, took 170 ms [discord] [RTCControlSocket] Starting heartbeat with interval: 5000 [discord] [RTCControlSocket] [READY] took 204 ms [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: AUTHENTICATING => RTC_CONNECTING [discord] [Connection(stream)] Using Unified Plan (Chrome 87.0.4280.144) [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [215730:39:1028/] AudioRtpReceiver::OnSetVolume: No audio channel exists. [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Renegotiating: Streams changed [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Renegotiating: Initial negotiation [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: {} [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: undefined, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: {} [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: undefined, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": false, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 417065, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 417066, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ] [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: 4000000, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => have-local-offer [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connected to media server: [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Sending local SDP to RTC server. [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] iceGatheringState => gathering [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Remote media sink wants: {"any":100} [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": false, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 417065, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 417066, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ] [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: 4000000, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Renegotiating: Codecs changed [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Setting media-session-id: 891232708b74021e8679a2a0dba68db1 for rtc-connection-id: 3ca58d42-0ca2-4a3d-b03c-94d8bb9bbd12 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] peerConnectionState => new [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => stable [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] peerConnectionState => connecting [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Connection state change: CONNECTING => ICE_CHECKING [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC media connection state change: RTC_CONNECTING => ICE_CHECKING [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: RTC_CONNECTING => ICE_CHECKING [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] peerConnectionState => connecting [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Connection state change: ICE_CHECKING => DTLS_CONNECTING [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC media connection state change: ICE_CHECKING => DTLS_CONNECTING [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: ICE_CHECKING => DTLS_CONNECTING [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => have-local-offer [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] iceGatheringState => complete [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => stable [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] peerConnectionState => connected [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Connection state change: DTLS_CONNECTING => CONNECTED [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC media connection state change: DTLS_CONNECTING => CONNECTED [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: DTLS_CONNECTING => RTC_CONNECTED [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Renegotiating: Streams changed [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "encodingVideoWidth": 1280, [discord] "encodingVideoHeight": 720, [discord] "encodingVideoFrameRate": 30, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": false, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 417065, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 417066, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ], [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0 [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: 1280, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: 4000000, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: old: undefined x undefined, new: 1280 x 720 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: old: undefined x undefined, new: 1280 x 720 [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Remote media sink wants: {"any":100} [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": false, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 417065, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 417066, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ] [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: 4000000, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] UnifiedConnection.setTransceiverEncodingParameters: maxBitrate: from 'undefined' to '4000000' [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: old: 1280 x 720, new: undefined x undefined [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: old: 1280 x 720, new: undefined x undefined [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => have-local-offer [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => stable [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Remote media sink wants: {"any":100} [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": true, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 48073417, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 3197482135, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ] [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: undefined, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: 4000000, localWant: 100 [virtmic] Added: discord-screenaudio [virtmic] Added: discord-screenaudio [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Renegotiating: Streams changed [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "encodingVideoWidth": 1280, [discord] "encodingVideoHeight": 720, [discord] "encodingVideoFrameRate": 30, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": true, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 48073417, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 3197482135, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ], [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0 [discord] } [virtmic] Removed: discord-screenaudio [discord] [StreamTile] Stream Tile State - activeStream: false | selected: false | Video: true | MediaEngine: true [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Remote media sink wants: {"any":100} [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsPixelCount": 0, [discord] "encodingVideoMinBitRate": 500000, [discord] "encodingVideoMaxBitRate": 4000000, [discord] "encodingVideoBitRate": 600000, [discord] "streamParameters": [ [discord] { [discord] "type": "video", [discord] "active": true, [discord] "rid": "100", [discord] "ssrc": 48073417, [discord] "rtxSsrc": 3197482135, [discord] "quality": 100, [discord] "maxBitrate": 4000000, [discord] "maxFrameRate": 30, [discord] "maxResolution": { [discord] "type": "fixed", [discord] "width": 1280, [discord] "height": 720 [discord] } [discord] } [discord] ] [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => have-local-offer [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] signalingState => stable [discord] [RTCControlSocket] [WS CLOSED] (clean: true, code: 4014, reason: Disconnected.) retrying in 2.57 seconds. [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Destroy RTCConnection [discord] [RTCControlSocket] CLOSE [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Disconnected from RTC server, clean: true, code: 1000, reason: Force Close, state: RTC_CONNECTED [discord] [UnifiedConnection(stream)] Connection state change: CONNECTED => DISCONNECTED [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC media connection state change: RTC_CONNECTED => DISCONNECTED [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: RTC_CONNECTED => RTC_DISCONNECTED [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] RTC connection state: RTC_DISCONNECTED => DISCONNECTED [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate": 20 [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: 20, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: undefined, localWant: 100 [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] updateVideoQuality: { [discord] "remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate": 20 [discord] } [discord] [UnifiedConnection(default)] BaseWebRTCConnection.updateVideoQuality: resolutionScaleFactor: undefined, encodingVideoWidth: undefined, remoteSinkWantsMaxFramerate: 20, encodingVideoMaxBitRate: undefined, localWant: 100 [discord] [RTCConnection(1167687214575136868, stream)] Error: getCodecSurvey is not implemented on MediaEngine of browsers. [discord] [RTCControlSocket] Sending heartbeat [discord] [RTCControlSocket] Heartbeat ACK received [virtmic] Stopping Virtmic ```

Tell me if I should open another issue about this.