mamuz / PhpDependencyAnalysis

Static code analysis to find violations in a dependency graph
MIT License
561 stars 45 forks source link

Write dependency graph is not working or is taking too much time #50

Open fabpico opened 4 years ago

fabpico commented 4 years ago

My Environment: Image Inspection

  "Created" : "2019-04-11T16:01:41.794400681Z",
  "DockerVersion" : "18.03.1-ee-3",
  "Id" : "sha256:93b4a875d42eaac95fbfcc1187922a70ffc4c657e47d9241c2e638a2b512c8b8",
  "Os" : "linux",
  "OsVersion" : null,
  "Parent" : "",
  "Size" : 109392129,
  "RepoTags" : [ "mamuz/phpda:latest" ],

My phpda.yml: Basically from the

mode: 'usage'
source: './api'
filePattern: '*.php'
ignore: 'tests'
formatter: 'PhpDA\Writer\Strategy\Svg'
target: './phpda.svg'
groupLength: 1
  - PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\TagCollector
  - PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\SuperglobalCollector
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\Required\DeclaredNamespaceCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\Required\MetaNamespaceCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\Required\UsedNamespaceCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}
  PhpDA\Parser\Visitor\TagCollector: {minDepth: 2, sliceLength: 2}

When I run this command:

docker run --rm -v "%cd%":/app mamuz/phpda

Actual behavior: Output of following, with the cursor blinking at the end. Remains on that state still after an hour.

PhpDependencyAnalysis by Marco Muths v2.0.2

Configuration read from /app/phpda.yml

   0/2293 [>---------------------------]   0% < 1 sec/< 1 sec Memory: 26.0 MiB
 229/2293 [==>-------------------------]   9% 2 secs/20 secs Memory: 32.0 MiB
 458/2293 [=====>----------------------]  19% 3 secs/15 secs Memory: 34.0 MiB
 687/2293 [========>-------------------]  29% 5 secs/17 secs Memory: 36.0 MiB
 916/2293 [===========>----------------]  39% 6 secs/15 secs Memory: 36.0 MiB
1145/2293 [=============>--------------]  49% 8 secs/16 secs Memory: 44.0 MiB
1374/2293 [================>-----------]  59% 10 secs/17 secs Memory: 46.0 MiB
1603/2293 [===================>--------]  69% 12 secs/17 secs Memory: 46.0 MiB
1832/2293 [======================>-----]  79% 14 secs/18 secs Memory: 46.0 MiB
2061/2293 [=========================>--]  89% 17 secs/19 secs Memory: 46.0 MiB
2290/2293 [===========================>]  99% 19 secs/19 secs Memory: 48.0 MiB
2293/2293 [============================] 100% 19 secs/19 secs Memory: 48.0 MiB

Write dependency graph to /app/./phpda.svg

Expected behavior: svg should be generated and the console should report its progress and finally a success or detailed error message.

SFrav commented 4 years ago

I had the same issue. Try it on a subset of the webapp and find out which components are causing the issue. For me, it worked when I only included the core controller, template and model files.