Closed stnatter closed 6 years ago
You need to install libomp (for openMP). Easiest way is to install homebrew and then install llvm. Instructions for homebrew are on its website ( You can then install llvm with brew install llvm
. There are other ways of course to install it. I found this via google and SO:
brew install CLIUtils/apple/libomp
did the trick. but not happy I had to install homebrew to get this done.
Thanks very much!!!
agreed - but if the library isn't installed by default not really any choice but to install it. I also did mention you do not have to use homebrew to install it, but its definitely the easiest way
thanks Bryant! one more beginners question: guess when i uninstall home-brew it also deletes libomp? Also i wanted to thank you guys for this amazing package. I do love its sheer simplicity. having said that i am likely going to use HDF5 files for my data store (for now) as thats even simpler and sufficient for my current needs. Should my needs change i know what to do ;-)
Arctic Version
Arctic Store
Platform and version
macOS High Sierra 10.13.4, conda, Python 3.6.5
Description of problem and/or code sample that reproduces the issue
from arctic import Arctic fails with the following traceback:
In [9]: from arctic import Arctic
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)