In order to simplify the creation of levels, we want to write e loader that are able to load a level from file and instancete all the scenes that compose the stage.
The level file will use the json format.
Each row is composed by a maximum of 10 block
every item in of the row is a dictionary with the property of the node. This could be useful for further extensions. For now the basic properties that we need, should be:
block (type of block, empty special block)
texture (path to the block texture)
energy (integer that represent the block resistance)
In order to simplify the creation of levels, we want to write e loader that are able to load a level from file and instancete all the scenes that compose the stage. The level file will use the json format. Each row is composed by a maximum of 10 block
{ "name" : "Level Name", "rows" : [ {"block": "green": "texture": "path"} ] }
every item in of the row is a dictionary with the property of the node. This could be useful for further extensions. For now the basic properties that we need, should be: