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quest_phase_maps #101

Closed KiriX closed 11 years ago

KiriX commented 12 years ago

For what need this table? What a data should be contained?

Fabi commented 12 years ago

it contains map and phase which should be send on completing specific quests

KiriX commented 12 years ago

Hmmm... But phases is switched by spells as I know...

Fabi commented 12 years ago

phase map and terrain switch is by phase change opcode which is sent after some quest completions...

Zakamurite commented 12 years ago

and it is send by... kirix said it might be aura

KiriX commented 12 years ago

Hmmm... But phases is switched by spells as I know...

Yes. It's work by spell which casted at quest end. I had test it in Gilneas - work fine by using spell cast (implement by quest_end_scripts) at end of quest without using any data in quest_phase_maps table. So I don't think that this table realy needed... Maybe I'm wrong...

FailZorD commented 11 years ago
