mangosvb / serverTwo

The 3.3.5a Compatible Version of the MaNGOSVB Server, based on SpuriousEmu Emulator.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Creature Spawning on Developer Branch #2

Open wowadict opened 10 years ago

wowadict commented 10 years ago

Creature spawning on the 3.3.5 Development branch causes a #132 error client crash. I believe the problem lies in the Update Packets for Creatures. I have played a little bit with this, and have a CreatureSpawn branch as well with some attempts at getting creatures to spawn.

billy1arm commented 10 years ago

Is it worth comparing the opcodes / packets against those in mangostwo ?

wowadict commented 10 years ago

I called myself doing that a while back if I remember, but it would not hurt to check again just to be sure.

gpn39f commented 10 years ago

on a fresh database, created first Player and first char (as dwarf and hunter), the race movie is played and the char is spawned in start area. all other Player or chars, the movie is never Played and never the char is spawned in start area. The loading Screen staying, until Closing the wow.exe

i guess the content of one smsg packet is not correct. but all the packet opcode send as SMSG are the same. so i Thing it is only happyness that the hunter spawns. the packet is surely wrong everytime. therfor i think Crash the Client, if more spawn pakets are send from server

note: the send CMSG from Client are not all present if the Screen hangs.. following cmsg packets are missed: CMSG_NAME_QUERY CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER MSG_QUERY_NEXT_MAIL_TIME CMSG_BATTLEFIELD_STATUS CMSG_MEETINGSTONE_INFO CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST MSG_GUILD_BANK_MONEY_WITHDRAWN CMSG_TUTORIAL_FLAG after console Connection message: "Player Login complete" only one packet are received: CMSG_ZONEUPDATE

i was compare the packet file's from the Moment to enter the world. maybe the error is befor?

gpn39f commented 10 years ago

i was compare more with help of sniffer files taken from trinity 335 and the packetparser from them.. i was found 3 smsg opcodes with different behavior. after correct this, the core was load more, but the core and Client crashes on same time with a database error. this is a new issue thread

gpn39f commented 10 years ago

i found some of the error's. now all chreatures are spawned.