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USB PD not working #11

Open knuxyl opened 2 years ago

knuxyl commented 2 years ago

USB PD does not work on beta 16. I tried direct connecting and through 2 different hubs. It only charges from a standard 5v usb port.

philmmanjaro commented 2 years ago

Well, it depends which hub and power supply you're using. Also which revision of the pinephone. Did you test also other OSs beside Manjaro on the device? See also Charing Safety. You may also post in a more detailed way on the Pinephone Hardware Section so the Pine64 community can help you out.

knuxyl commented 2 years ago

I don't plan on getting it to work, I am just switching distro. I thought I'd just leave this here to let people know charging is a hit or miss with manjaro. Ubuntu touch worked great with the exact same power supply and this power supply works with all of my usb-c devices. I only tried the hubs to see if routing through another device would fix the issue, and it did not.

Also, I can't sit here playing with it while charging at 500ma, it'll die on me. I cannot use manjaro to post any logs or anything of the sort for the community due to it not charging. I upgraded all my charging stations to USB PD a while ago, I don't have a standard 5v to even test, except on my desktop.

I have hardware revision 12, or 1.2, the ubports edition

philmmanjaro commented 2 years ago

Well, you're more or less one of the first persons reporting a charging problem. Hence the request to test out other distros. If UBPorts Ubuntu touch works, fine. However I'd also recommend to test the Arch version, which is the closest to us, PostmarketOS and maybe Mobian.

Manjaro, Arch and PMOS are using the kernel by Megi. UBPorts and Mobian have their own kernels.

We all want to have our OSs somehow working. So if that one charger works fine for you on UBPorts, but not on Manjaro, Arch or PMOS, then there are some differences to the other kernels out there.

Did you tried a different charger than the one you may have?

philmmanjaro commented 2 years ago

Also UBPorts Edition was one of the earlier phones, which had some hardware issues. Those are fixed more or less with the current Pinephone Beta hardware releases. So ya, maybe think about replacing the PCB with a newer hardware revision.

knuxyl commented 2 years ago

Also UBPorts Edition was one of the earlier phones, which had some hardware issues. Those are fixed more or less with the current Pinephone Beta hardware releases. So ya, maybe think about replacing the PCB with a newer hardware revision.

I did consider this, but when I was going to they ran out.

Also, I just tested Mobian and it does not work either. Only Ubuntu Touch... I'm guessing maybe a hardware issue and UBPorts found a workaround.

Looking at that mobo though, it says V11 and mine is V12.

philmmanjaro commented 2 years ago

That picture was shot when the 1.1 revision was out. I can suggest Pine64 to update the pictures. They only ship latest revisions out. So 1.2b is the current one. If any doubt ask their sales staff.

knuxyl commented 2 years ago

Reading through the revisions, it does seem as though 1.2a fixed the USB PD issue, but it is strange UBPorts works fine, the version that it shipped with and the latest, but Mobian and Manjaro do not. Digikey isn't allowing orders atm for some reason so I cannot buy the replacement chips for the usb controller to fix the issue. I'd rather not just take them out. Thanks for the info!

I'm not sure if I should close this issue though due to UBPorts having a workaround for this specific issue that could possibly be implemented into Manjaro, I'll let yall decide.