mantle-convection-constrained / terratools

Tools to read, analyse and visualise models written by the TERRA mantle convection code
MIT License
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Pickling terra models doesn't work without an external pressure function defined. #158

Open jwookey opened 3 weeks ago

jwookey commented 3 weeks ago

The function provided in for writing a terra model into a Python pickle (write_pickle) files fails when no external pressure function is defined, because of the lambda function in the definition of the PREM function.


m = tm.read_netcdf(glob.glob(f'./NC_037/nc*') m.write_pickle(f'NC_037.pkl')

results in:

AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'TerraModel.init..'

jamespanton93 commented 3 weeks ago

We don't have a way to pass a pressure function in when we read a model with read_netcdf, not sure if this is something that we need?