When using the url property to load them, the app freezes when the loop index is equal to 62, and to reach the 62 position, it requires more time that to reach the position 2; the time to add each new image increments exponentially.
If I don't use the url property and try to add the same images from my assets (as a probe of concept) it loads them without freezing the app. So it could be related to each image fetching:
Future<void> _setMapSourcesImage() async {
for (int i = 0; i < satData!.length; i++) {
final id = 'sat-$i';
mapbox.ImageSource? currentSource;
try {
currentSource =
await mapboxMap?.style.getSource(id) as mapbox.ImageSource?;
} catch (e) {
log('_setMapSourcesImage error', error: e);
if (currentSource != null) {
await _setMapSourceImage(
Future<void> _setMapSourceImage(
mapbox.ImageSource? currentSource,
SatDataItem satDataItem,
int i,
) async {
if (currentSource != null) {
try {
// Load the image bytes from assets
final ByteData bytes =
await rootBundle.load('assets/images/demo_1 copy $i.webp');
final Uint8List list = bytes.buffer.asUint8List();
// Decode the image to get its dimensions
ui.Image image = await decodeImageFromList(list);
int width = image.width;
int height = image.height;
await currentSource.updateImage(
width: width,
height: height,
data: list,
} catch (e) {
log('_setMapSourceImage error', error: e);
Although images are loaded from assets, and the app no freezes, when changing the visibility of them, there is a flickering that is not allowing a smooth transition of images without seeing the background:
Future<void> _updateMapLayersVisibility() async {
if (satData != null && _sliderValues != null) {
DateTime sliderCurrentValue = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
(_sliderValues!.currentValue * 1000).toInt(),
for (int i = 0; i < satData!.length; i++) {
final id = 'sat-$i';
final isCurrentSatDataItem = satData![i].dtg.isAtSameMomentAs(
if (isCurrentSatDataItem) {
await mapboxMap!.style.setStyleLayerProperty(
} else {
await mapboxMap!.style.setStyleLayerProperty(
Non of this problems exist in mapbox gl js. I am using the same code (adapted to js).
I have an app that loads 100 ImageSource in a map using a for loop:
Each image has a size of 80,5 KB aproximatelly.
When using the url property to load them, the app freezes when the loop index is equal to 62, and to reach the 62 position, it requires more time that to reach the position 2; the time to add each new image increments exponentially.
If I don't use the url property and try to add the same images from my assets (as a probe of concept) it loads them without freezing the app. So it could be related to each image fetching:
Although images are loaded from assets, and the app no freezes, when changing the visibility of them, there is a flickering that is not allowing a smooth transition of images without seeing the background:
Non of this problems exist in mapbox gl js. I am using the same code (adapted to js).