mapbox / mapnik-omnivore

Node module that returns metadata about spatial files.
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Tiff with transparencies show background black #149

Open pabdandelan opened 8 years ago

pabdandelan commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to upload a geotiff tile with transparency, parts of the tiff with transparent background is showing as a black background. i have tried with the web account and with the classic studio but the results are the same. Also tried changing the style according to some solutions i read on forums but the results are still the same. i'm wondering what am i doing wrong?

on the other hand, i have tried with the next line of code of gdal [gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 input.tif output.tif] , this create a tiff with more than 400 mb, once i upload this one to Mapbox it still has the black background. the only application showing the tiff with transparent background is TileMill but once it is exported it takes so much time to generate the file, the mbtiles generated weight 5 gb and it is not uploading to MapBox. could you tell me if there is any other way to achieve this?



markgrossnickle commented 6 years ago

This may help: