mapi68 / dnscrypt-proxy-pihole

Preconfigured deb package for every Raspberry Pi and Pi-hole to use only best DNSCrypt, DNS-over-HTTPS and No-Log servers
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Cloudflare tests fail when Wireguard is enabled #2

Closed glocalglocal closed 3 years ago

glocalglocal commented 4 years ago

My PiHole + dnscrypt-proxy-pihole setup works fine. When I enable Wireguard on a client device to connect to PiVPN, PiHole still does its job but I don't pass the first two tests (Secure DNS and DNSSEC) on any more. This issue disappears when I disable Wireguard, ie when the connection is local again. I expected connections via VPN to be treated as local too. Could dnscrypt-proxy-pihole have something to do with this?

mapi68 commented 4 years ago

pihole reconfigure and add wg0

glocalglocal commented 4 years ago

If I read this correctly, I think you mean replace my Pi-hole IPv4 address (currently 192.168.x.x/24) with 10.x.x.x/24. I suspect that would make using VPN necessary, even when my device connects locally from home. I can't do that for other reasons. VPN should only be used only when I am away from home. Is there a way to make the setup work with both VPN and non-VPN connections? I am not sure if this a dnscrypt-proxy-pihole issue. If I sorry if it isn't.

mapi68 commented 4 years ago

In PiHole ---> Settings ---> DNS: 1) Listen on all interfaces 2) Use DNSSEC

glocalglocal commented 4 years ago

With 'Listen on all interfaces' (ie option 1, not option 3: 'Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins') and DNSSEC on, without switching on WireGuard several websites like BBC News or certain images on Reddit don't even load. Thanks anyway.

mapi68 commented 4 years ago

Can you try if it works good my raspi-info with wireguard?


glocalglocal commented 4 years ago

raspi-info works fine here. Nice collection of info. It doesn't seem to solve my problem but good to have.