maplibre / maplibre-native

MapLibre Native - Interactive vector tile maps for iOS, Android and other platforms.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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emscripten / WebAssembly port #2554

Open andreamancuso opened 1 week ago

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago


I have been trying to compile maplibre-native using emscripten.

I can't figure out how to run emcmake in a way that does not cause errors.

I have created a new discussion in the emscripten github space:

I shall update this issue accordingly.

(P.S. you can track my PR: )

louwers commented 1 week ago

I am assuming you are setting CXX somewhere? I'll try it as well.

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

I am assuming you are setting CXX somewhere? I'll try it as well.

Yes, I mean, I'm using the original CMakeLists.txt file


louwers commented 1 week ago

How does it choose emscripten?

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

On Windows one would have to run a Visual Studio 2022 developer prompt, then run emsdk_env.bat from within the emsdk folder (once emsdk has been installed and activated).

On Linux one would have to install cmake and ninja then, from a terminal, run from within the emsdk folder (once emsdk has been installed and activated).

I added a reference to emscripten's toolchain: set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE $ENV{EMSDK_HOME}/upstream/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake).

Having said that, I now have some doubts as to whether this is using em++.

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

I'm being silly - apologies.

I forgot I need to follow these instructions:

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

I edited the description of the issue as I now I realized I never actually managed to compile maplibre-native using emscripten - it was just Visual Studio 2022 🤦

Sorry, I'll try harder.

ntadej commented 1 week ago

No problem! What you could do is to check how Qt toolchain file is defined for emscripten and base on that.

louwers commented 1 week ago

I already was surpised when you said you compiled libuv for WASM. ;-) Keep us posted!

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

Aside from making myself look a plum, at least I think I have formulated the right question in the emscripten github project's discussion. Hopefully they'll be able to shed some light.

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

I already was surpised when you said you compiled libuv for WASM. ;-) Keep us posted!

Well, I didn't. VCPKG (allegedly) did when I added it as a dependency during my previous attempts. The target I used is wasm32-emscripten.

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

I am now trying a different approach, I added add_subdirectory(${DEPS}/maplibre-native) to my CMakeLists.txt so now I am certain that em++ is being used.


target_link_libraries(reactDearImgui PRIVATE imgui::imgui implot::implot nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json $<IF:$<TARGET_EXISTS:libuv::uv_a>,libuv::uv_a,libuv::uv> JPEG::JPEG mbgl-core) (notice how I am referencing libuv)

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago


I'll try disabling the warning

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

Warnings disabled, I am now getting

In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/include\mbgl/gfx/context.hpp:7:
C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src\mbgl/gfx/program.hpp:38:40: error: no type named 'UniformList' in 'mbgl::HeatmapProgram'
   38 |     using UniformList = typename Name::UniformList;
      |                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~
C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src\mbgl/gfx/program.hpp:39:40: error: no type named 'TextureList' in 'mbgl::HeatmapProgram'
   39 |     using TextureList = typename Name::TextureList;
      |                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~

I don't get these errors when compiling using VS 2022. Seems like emscripten is getting confused somewhere, or maybe I shouldn't use C++23?

andreamancuso commented 1 week ago

I also tried importing using add_subdirectory() and got even more errors related to using std::variant.

louwers commented 6 days ago

We're compiling with C++17 right now.

andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

For some reason emscripten cannot resolve Name::AttributeList, Name::UniformList, Name::TextureList:


No idea why at the moment.

VS Code doesn't have a problem with that.

andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

I temporarily commented out those 3 'offending' types just so I can move forward. I came across this:

C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src/mbgl/util/mapbox.cpp:97:56: error: no member named 'inserter' in namespace 'std'
   97 |     std::copy(tokenList.begin(), tokenList.end(), std::inserter(tokenMap, tokenMap.begin()));
      |                                                   ~~~~~^
1 error generated.



I'm using C++ 23 - I guess I'd need to drop to at least C++ 20 if I want to move forward.

Problem is, I am using some C++ 23 features. I'll see if I can downgrade somehow.

andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

I commented out a bunch of these:


C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src/mbgl/util/logging.cpp:74:10: error: no member named 'lock_guard' in namespace 'std'
   74 |     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
      |     ~~~~~^
C:/dev/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src/mbgl/util/logging.cpp:74:31: error: expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction
   74 |     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
      |                     ~~~~~~~~~~^
C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src/mbgl/util/logging.cpp:74:33: error: use of undeclared identifier 'lock'; did you mean 'Clock'?
   74 |     std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
      |                                 ^
andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

The good news is, it compiled successfully. Naturally having had to comment out 3 parameters in the draw() method and having commented out mutex locking, I expect all sorts of issues to appear.

andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

I'm afraid all I could manage to accomplish so far is create an instance of MapTilerConfiguration like so:



(printf() emits a message via console.log())

For anything more complex, I'd need help as I'm getting lots of undefined symbol kind of errors. I think I know why, I am not including anything from the platform subfolders.

andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

I'm light years away from where I want to be - but I am celebrating with an IPA. Cheers! 🍻

andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

Another interesting error

In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/src/mbgl/style/expression/value.cpp:3:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/include\mbgl/style/expression/value.hpp:4:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/include\mbgl/style/expression/formatted.hpp:4:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/include\mbgl/style/expression/image.hpp:4:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/include\mbgl/util/color.hpp:3:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/include\mbgl/util/feature.hpp:4:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/deps/maplibre-native/vendor/mapbox-base/include\mapbox/compatibility/value.hpp:3:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/build/vcpkg_installed/wasm32-emscripten/include\mapbox/feature.hpp:3:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/build/vcpkg_installed/wasm32-emscripten/include\mapbox/geometry.hpp:9:
In file included from C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/build/vcpkg_installed/wasm32-emscripten/include\mapbox/geometry/geometry.hpp:11:
C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/build/vcpkg_installed/wasm32-emscripten/include\mapbox/variant.hpp:332:20: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'mbgl::style::expression::FromMBGLValue'
  332 |             return std::forward<F>(f)(unwrapper<T>::template apply<V>(v));
      |                    ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
C:/dev/react-imgui/packages/dear-imgui/cpp/build/vcpkg_installed/wasm32-emscripten/include\mapbox/variant.hpp:336:45: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'mapbox::util::detail::dispatcher<mbgl::style::expression::Value, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<mapbox::feature::value>>, std::shared_ptr<std::unordered_map<std::string, mapbox::feature::value>>>::apply<const mapbox::feature::value &, mbgl::style::expression::FromMBGLValue>' requested here
  336 |             return dispatcher<R, Types...>::apply(std::forward<V>(v), std::forward<F>(f));
andreamancuso commented 6 days ago

This is working:


This line isn't working:


due to CURL being unavailable, have to dig deeper

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

Can't use CURL, will use

ntadej commented 5 days ago

I propose you define a new platform for WASM.

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

Makes sense. Apologies for the noise here. I suppose I'm kinda treating this issue almost like a diary. I'll likely do a write-up at some point, summarising findings, plan to action, etc.

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

I managed to include ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/platform/linux/src/gl_functions.cpp by enabling -sFULL_ES3 for now. Have yet to assess the performance implications of this.

ntadej commented 5 days ago

I don't mind and it may be useful as a reference for the future 😊

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

Issues with std::variant encountered on

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

Somehow adding these did not break anything:



andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

Issues with std::variant encountered on


Naturally, due to having commented out these two lines, this fails

mbgl::HeadlessFrontend frontend({width, height}, static_cast<float>(pixelRatio));

So I need to dig deeper into the issue with std::variant in order to move forward

ntadej commented 5 days ago

std::variant should work fine. At least the OpenGL 2 branch builds fine with Qt.

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago


I need a level playing field. I think I'm going to try again using a dummy emscripten project using C++ 17. I need to take deprecations and whatnot out of the equation.

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

I forked the repo, created a branch and a PR pointing at my fork's main branch for now:

The good news: all those issues with std::variant, etc. are gone. They do appear to be related to having used C++23. This leads to me believe that we could load maplibre native as a side module based on

The bad news: still lots to do but I am so so glad not having to worry about the issues mentioned above.

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

I already was surpised when you said you compiled libuv for WASM. ;-) Keep us posted!

@louwers Unfortunately you were right 😅

vcpkg truly gave me false hope

andreamancuso commented 5 days ago

Adding these for reference: