EPSG.io is a tool for discovering and accessing global coordinate systems, finding their parameters, and selecting relevant transformations. Created and maintained by the MapTiler team, it serves as a custom interface to the EPSG database.
The service offers a list of projections, coordinate systems, bounding boxes, and transformation options for improved precision in coordinate transformations.
For detailed documentation, visit epsg.io/docs.
Coordinate systems, ellipsoids, transformations, and units can be discovered directly via the search field at EPSG.io. The interface supports searching by EPSG codes (e.g., 3857
) or by part of the system's name (e.g., pseudo-mercator
). Try epsg.io/2056 as an example.
EPSG.io offers coordinate reference system definitions in formats compatible with a wide range of geospatial software, including PROJ, GeoServer, Proj4.js, PostGIS, ESRI ArcGIS, and OGC WKT. For example, see epsg.io/2056-1676.wkt2.
Using EPSG.io endpoints allows users to discover coordinate systems, ellipsoids, units, and other objects, and retrieve specific coordinate definitions in various formats. For more details, visit epsg.io/docs.
EPSG.io is a custom, open service provided by MapTiler, free of charge. The Coordinate transformation and search service is powered by the MapTiler Coordinates API. In addition to being compatible with EPSG.io, it introduces the /transform endpoint for coordinate transformations and /search endpoint for searching through coordinate systems and its components.
The Coordinates API from MapTiler offers:
For detailed API documentation, visit docs.maptiler.com/cloud/api/coordinates/.
EPSG.io is transitioning to the MapTiler Coordinates API for search
and transform
services, providing a more secure, robust, and scalable solution.
Search: https://epsg.io/?q=swiss&format=json
Transform: https://epsg.io/trans?data=7.457914,46.948563&s_srs=4326&t_srs=2056
Search: https://api.maptiler.com/coordinates/search/swiss.json?key=MapTiler-key
Transform: https://api.maptiler.com/coordinates/transform/7.457914,46.948563.json?s_srs=4326&t_srs=2056&key=MapTiler-key
For more details on migration, including JSON response changes and how to get your MapTiler key, read the migration guide.