maptiler / tileserver-gl

Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by MapLibre GL Native. Map tile server for MapLibre GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.
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using mbtiles from another drive/partition fails silently on windows #228

Open indus opened 6 years ago

indus commented 6 years ago
  • Clear description of the problem: What steps will lead to reproducing the error on our computer? What is exactly wrong?

liveserver-gl-light fails silently when using an mbtiles file from another drive/partion then the one you have started it in.

On a windows PC: Place your mbtiles file on your secondary drive/partition (lets say drive letter D) then open a CMD on you main drive/partition (lets say drive letter C), start liveserver-gl-light from C opening the file on D and try to open the map with your browser. The map stays empty.

  • Version of the TileServer GL software you have used


  • Version and name of the operating system you use or other details of your setup

Windows 7

  • Information about your used config / styles / vector tiles

This fails with and without config in the same way.

indus commented 6 years ago

any updates? In Version 2.3.1 it is no longer a silent fail, as it says:

ERROR: Metadata missing in the MBTiles.
       Make sure xxx.mbtiles is valid MBTiles.

but the error message is not very clear And I really would expect that this should work.

petrsloup commented 6 years ago

This looks like the file is not a valid mbtiles. This usually happens if the file was not downloaded correctly and is incomplete.

Why do you think it's a Windows-specific issue? Have you tried the same file on the same partition? Is there any difference? Have you tried it on other platform?

indus commented 6 years ago

When I use the very same file from the same partition it works without any problem. It just doesn't work when the tileserver-gl is startet from another partition/ with another context.

I'm not saying this is windows specific - but I'm facing this bug on windows.

chattes commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this issue? I am trying to load .mbtiles from a mounted partition(NAS) and get the same error? It runs fine when on the same partition drive. This is in Ubuntu?

petrsloup commented 5 years ago

I don't think this is issue with tileserver-gl, but maybe an issue with correct file permissions? (I'm not able to test this now since I don't have a Windows machine set up.)

chattes commented 5 years ago

Thank you but I tried this on an Ubuntu Server

MrDrooky commented 4 years ago

I ran into the same issue when testing the server on a macosx with docker and accessing files from a FAT32 usb. It was fixed when I reformatted to OSX extended. I didn't explicitly change any permissions.