maptiler / tileserver-gl

Vector and raster maps with GL styles. Server side rendering by MapLibre GL Native. Map tile server for MapLibre GL JS, Android, iOS, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIS via WMTS, etc.
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Tileserver-gl endpoints | Maputnik compatibility #712

Open enkicoma opened 1 year ago

enkicoma commented 1 year ago
Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 18 52 40

I am not familiar with the entire source code, but will it be possible to create an endpoint that will look the same as the MapTiler team has implemented?:{fontstack}/{range}.pbf

Endpoints I tried:

Data http://localhost:8080/styles/positron-gl-style.json http://localhost:8080/data/v3/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf http://localhost:8080/data/v3.json

Glyphs / fonts . Pdf http://localhost:8080/styles/positron-gl-style/style.json http://localhost:8080/fonts/{fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf http://localhost:8080/fonts/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf http://localhost:8080/fonts.json http://localhost:8080/fonts/Metropolis Light/0-255.pbf

http://localhost:8080/styles/positron-gl-style/sprite@2x.json http://localhost:8080/styles/positron-gl-style/sprite.json

These 2 tools are the only left Opensource Alternative... And hope they will remain compatible and alive!

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

If I try my style at ( ) in the maputnik editor it seems to work,

I use this for glyphs and sprites in my style

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt thanks for the prompt response

yes, i tried this configuration:

  "sources": {
    "v3": {
      "type": "vector",
      "url": "mbtiles://{v3}"
  "sprite": "{styleJsonFolder}/sprite",
  "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",

And the Tileserver-gl loads the map, but is missing some of the styles / missing city name / text.

The same style.json when used with maputnik online editor it gives me the text / desired style.

When used with Tileserver-gl, the city data / text is missing, hence I wanted to host all the endpoints for: sprite, glyphs & data sources with Tileserver-gl.

maybe the problem are in my local fonts? because I am not sure what kind of fonts is at this host:{fontstack}/{range}.pbf?key={key}

I used the OpenSource ones, tho look a bit outdated... Maybe thats why I am getting 2 diff outcomes...

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

ya, so any font you have in your style you need to have locally available in your fonts folder.

Are you using the docker version? Like in the demo file you would set your fonts folder in your config.json and then put all the fonts your style uses in that fonts folder.

Most of the fonts I use came from the releases has some premade fonts but the repo has conversion tools.

I also saw this recently, which seems really useful for creating the font files , but i haven't yet tested it myself

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yes, I am using Docker on OSX

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data -p 8080:8080 maptiler/tileserver-gl --mbtiles n***.mbtiles

Thanks for the releases, will give it a try!

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt nope :( the v2 didn't work

This is a bit weird because other cities/country names I can see (they are visible) But the city which I styled with maputnik (to apear the text at specific zoom level, size, color, etc) - is not showing...

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Is it Chinese characters missing like in ?

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt very kind - nope, en and ro. And as I mentioned - I can see the names of the nearest cities that I didn't touch with maputnik... something maputnik online editor has, that I don't have locally with Tileserver-GL

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Do you know which font those missing labels are using? is it ro labels missing or en ones too?

What's the style code for those labels look like?

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yes, the online editor says: Metropolis Regular and Nato Sans Regular as you can see I have them both on my local

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 20 27 54 Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 20 28 44

maybe it's the problem at source data layer?

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 20 29 04
acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Did you make sure to download the newer from those release at

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yes, I did download v2 and nato-sans

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Just checking. I think the has an older version, so just making sure you grabbed the newer version of noto-sans that is by itself

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yes, I did

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 20 39 04
acalcutt commented 1 year ago

from what you are doing it sounds like it should work. it could still be some type of font issue though.

My only other idea would be maybe the metropolis fonts need updating? Maybe try taking the fonts you need from and run them through the online converter least then you would know you have up to date copies.

Can you post your style.json?

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

At the command prompt where you ran the docker command, do you see any font errors? usually if a font is missing it says something at the command line level.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt I tried to convert but when I download the .zip is not doing anything when I try to unzip.. no folder or .pbf...

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 21 01 50

Some weird stuff, even can't read the error...

can't upload json (quite a long json..) ... here

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 21 04 17

do you have discord or email?

and no error on docker run command

Starting tileserver-gl v4.4.0
Using specified config file from config.json
Starting server
Listening at http://[::]:8080/
Startup complete
GET / 304 - - 61.978 ms
GET /index.css 304 - - 2.823 ms
GET /images/placeholder.png 304 - - 3.693 ms
GET /images/logo.png 304 - - 3.164 ms
GET /images/maptiler-logo.svg 304 - - 4.532 ms
GET /images/header-map-1280px.png 304 - - 1.826 ms
GET /fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf 304 - - 1.926 ms
GET /fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf 304 - - 2.217 ms
GET /styles/positron-gl-style/8/148/90.png 200 40272 - 575.505 ms
GET /styles/positron-gl-style/?vector 304 - - 19.816 ms
GET /maplibre-gl.css 304 - - 1.100 ms
GET /L.TileLayer.NoGap.js 304 - - 15.417 ms
GET /maplibre-gl-inspect.css 304 - - 13.926 ms
GET /leaflet.css 304 - - 18.031 ms
GET /leaflet.js 304 - - 7.317 ms
GET /leaflet-hash.js 304 - - 0.827 ms
GET /maplibre-gl.js 304 - - 0.450 ms
GET /maplibre-gl-inspect.min.js 304 - - 0.823 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 0.567 ms
GET /styles/positron-gl-style/style.json 304 - - 3.998 ms
GET /data/v3.json 304 - - 2.458 ms
GET /styles/positron-gl-style/sprite@2x.png 304 - - 15.796 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 1.908 ms
GET /styles/positron-gl-style/sprite@2x.json 304 - - 17.610 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 1.229 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 2.496 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 4.323 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 0.866 ms
GET /mapbox-gl-rtl-text.js 304 - - 0.810 ms
GET /fonts/Metropolis%20Regular,Noto%20Sans%20Regular/512-767.pbf 200 95625 - 23.380 ms
GET /fonts/Metropolis%20Regular,Noto%20Sans%20Regular/1024-1279.pbf 200 125242 - 33.749 ms
GET /fonts/Metropolis%20Regular,Noto%20Sans%20Regular/0-255.pbf 200 75833 - 35.885 ms
GET /fonts/Metropolis%20Regular,Noto%20Sans%20Regular/256-511.pbf 200 127305 - 47.539 ms
GET /fonts/Metropolis%20Light,Noto%20Sans%20Regular/0-255.pbf 200 74955 - 55.330 ms
GET /fonts/Metropolis%20Regular,Noto%20Sans%20Regular/8192-8447.pbf 200 34049 - 72.196 ms
enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt zip works attached positron (4)

Look at "Ungheni" - it's missing the main city Label, should appear 2 + label for some park / lake name is missing too

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 20 59 33 Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 21 00 05
acalcutt commented 1 year ago

If I load your style here the second Ungheni shows

If you look at inspect on your openmaptiles v3 layer, do you see that point in your data? http://localhost:8080/data/v3/#11/47.2116/27.8016

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yes, when inspect - data is there

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 22 25 22

yeah, the second Ungheni shows in maputnik as well - as I stated, may be something on my local conffiguration, if data is there, means remains, Glyphs or Sprites?

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt I think I found the issue... the problem is on "filter": if I remove

        ["all", ["!=", "capital", 2], ["==", "class", "city"], [">", "rank", 3]]

from "id": "place_city",

It will show me the second "Ungheni". Any ideas why ?

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

From your inspect screenshot it seems like your openmaptiles v3 source does not have rank.

If I look at my planetiler generated file I do have rank image

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yeah just noticed, you're right - I saw that even some ids are not consistent...

Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 23 11 31

It should be just name not name:latin as my style.json can't find this id...

I thought openmaptiles uses the latest OSM data. I generated .mbtiles with:

so I am a bit confused

means{key} uses data from multiple sources... that's why I would like the local CLI Tileserver-GL to host all required endpoints without relying on something that I can't see in someone cloud/api.

Many thanks for your time and contribution, dude 🙏

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

My guess would be that tilemaker is making a mbtiles file with an older version of the OpenMapTiles schema, or an incomplete schema

I would try to generate an up to date mbtiles file with either the official OpenMapTiles tools or planetiler. I am using planetiler to make my tiles like this . you could generate just europe in a similar way.

java -Xmx45g \
    -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" \
    -jar planetiler-dist-0.5-SNAPSHOT-with-deps.jar \
    --download --area=europe --fetch-wikidata \
    --mbtiles=$EXPORT_DIR/output.mbtiles \
    --nodemap-type=sparsearray --nodemap-storage=mmap --optimize_db=true
acalcutt commented 1 year ago

I was thinking another possibility could be tilemaker might not incorporate wikidata. I know both openmaptiles tools and planetiler fetch extra data from wikidata. I wasn't able to find anything about tilemaker using wikidata

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt again, you are on the right spot - it may be wikidata as I tried Planetiler and I got the same results as tilemaker.

docker run -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xmx1g" -v "$(pwd)/data":/data --download --area=moldova  

And the new .mbtiles didn't give too much...

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 12 19 43

vs what Maputnik has:

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 12 20 41
acalcutt commented 1 year ago

try adding "--fetch-wikidata" to your planetiler command

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Are you sure you have the right mbtiles in use there? I tried the command you posted and the file I got had the extra data


enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt Looks like I used the planetiler generated one: http://localhost:8080/data/v3.json

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 16 33 27

the issue was in my browser... I had to open one in incognito mode... (cookies)

Screenshot 2023-01-14 at 17 07 53

once again, thank you 🙏

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

awesome, good to hear.

I do notice that second point we talked about doesn't exist in the moldova area export, but I'm guessing that is just over the border, or something like that.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt yeah border stuff - before I had to download (Ukraine, Romania and Moldova) OSM and use the box osmium extract --bbox=26.49,45.21,30.56,48.57 to include some things across the border, just FYI

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

This can be closed right? I think we have determined the styles for maputnik work with tileserver-gl (with maybe a few tweaks of sources/fonts). The main issue wasn't with fonts, but with the data mbtiles that was missing attributes your style used.

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Just one more random fact before this closes.

In my style I wanted to prefer english, but I found sometimes the language names in the data were inconstant. Some were labeled under name_en, but others only had name:latin or name:en or name:nonlatin.

So I ended up changing the text-field in my style to use multiple case statements. It basically works like a hierarcy, if the first attribute exists, it uses that one, but if it doesn't it moves to the next case statement and tries to use the next language.

"text-field": ["case",["has","name_en"],["get","name_en"],["case",["has","name:en"],["get","name:en"],["case",["has","name:latin"],["get","name:latin"],["get","name:nonlatin"]]]],

This can be useful when there are differences in the data.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt I raised this request to improve the Tileserver GL endpoint for Glyph because I wanted to host things locally and use maputnik CLI. (locally) That would give End to End experience on how to style a map with the locally available data, glyphs and fonts.

Not sure, should we close it? what do you think

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

I guess I don't see what is missing. The glyph is already providing something at the {fontstack}/{range}.pbf url.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt which glyphs? Tileserver-GL has a diff endpoint {fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf this endpoint won;t work with maputnik, means there is no compatibility to host things locally between TIleserver-GL and maputnik.

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Are you talking about in the built in default style? we have already shown {fontstack}/{range}.pbf works above didn't we? it depends what you put in your style.

Like my style here loaded fine in maputnik...

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt I am talking about more Tileserver-GL with Maputnik compatibility. Yes, we proved that the style.js can be hosted with Tileserver-GL.

Scenario: We have already a Tileserver-GL that runs perfectly, but we received a client request to do some improvements on the map view / data. This means we will require again amap editor in our case Maputnik.

To edit the client style.js, we can use Maputnik Online Editor, but we won't get the same style / output, because the online editor has different data and styles, which we don't have control over or too much awareness of the updates, etc.

The ideal scenario would be to run editor and tileserver in-house / locally because we can iterate the data schema and add or remove data, fonts, styles, etc.

Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 14 35 01

To run things in-house we need all INPUT URLs (endpoints) for the editor Maputnik: sprite, glyphs and data - Tileserver GL can hande and host all of these URLs. (If we fix the glyphs endpoint) from {fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf to {fontstack}/{range}.pbf

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Functionally on the backend, I think {start}-{end} and {range} would be handled by the same regex. the {range} would get replaced with [number]-[number], which is the same as {start}-{end}

If mapnuk is showing {fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf, it would tell me thats what you have set in your local style folder

EDIT: looking at it again I am probably wrong about the regex.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt maputnik CLI won't accept {fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf endpoint. It will say range missing:

Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 15 02 51

Screenshot 2023-01-16 at 15 07 22
acalcutt commented 1 year ago

Where do you see {fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf used?

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

If you want to make a PR to change the documentation at to /fonts/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf I think that would be fine.

I looked at all the built in styles and they all seem to use {fontstack}/{range}.pbf (ex). Functionally I still think tileserver will accept both formats since they end up the same.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt Tileserver-GL may accept {fontstack}/{range}.pbf format, from style.json but that doesn't mean the Tileserver-GL url: http://localhost:8080/fonts/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf will work - it gives you "not found", means such endpoint doesn't exist as an ENDPOINT.

The current documentation is correct, to access the Glyphs you have to access: fonts/{fontstack}/{start}-{end}.pbf endpoint. Something like this: /fonts/Metropolis Light/0-255.pbf and the .pbf will start to download in the browser.

Hope you understood my point. There is no such endpoint fonts/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf in Tileserver GL.

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

As fas as I'm aware, the url http://localhost:8080/fonts/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf should not work directly. The {fontstack} gets replaced with the font used in the layer and the {range} gets replaced with a range of unicode values. So the request to the server, like you said, would be something like http://localhost:8080/fonts/Metropolis Light/0-255.pbf . Looking at the code we have I'm guessing this happens on the maplibre-gl-js/maplibre-native side of things, outside tileserver.

So really I'm still not sure what you are asking for. If you know how to get it done, maybe a PR with some code would help understand.

enkicoma commented 1 year ago

@acalcutt will try to spend some time during this weekend and update on this.

wecand0 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I know that this tileserver-gl repo, but in there is no answer how to use glyphs locally without server, I have managed to use mbtiles locally, like this

  "sources": {
    "openmaptiles": {
      "tiles": ["mbtiles:///home/user/planet.mbtiles"],
      "type": "vector"

Maps are working, all great, but I STUCKED with glyphs.. How to open it from local storage, I tried like this: "glyphs": "asset://data/glyphs/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf" I tried also with full path: "glyphs": "asset:///home/app/data/glyphs/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf" Files *.pbf are correct I checked it with tileserver-gl, all fine. But I do not need to user server. The sample of error: Failed to load glyph range 64256-64511 for font stack Open Sans Semibold,Noto Sans Bold: I would be very happy if someone helps how to resolve this issue...

acalcutt commented 1 year ago

To use local fonts, you have to specify the glyph url like

then in your congig file you have to specify where the fond files stick like (note, you would probably want to use relative paths to /data/ if you are using the docker, like the example style on the main page)

For the fonts theselves you need to get fonts in the right format, like by using to create them or getting them from something like