marcelstoer / docker-nodemcu-build

Docker image to build NodeMCU firmware for the ESP8266 on your machine
MIT License
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sed error #58

Closed raghur closed 5 years ago

raghur commented 5 years ago

I'm on linux. I get the following error with docker when I try to build after configure.

xxxx@home-desktop  ~/code/esp32/tools/nodemcu-firmware   dev-esp32 ●  docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build build
sed: -e expression #1, char 99: unknown option to `s'
marcelstoer commented 5 years ago

What are the special characters in the command you posted?

Could you try docker run --rm -ti -vpwd:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build /bin/bash and then run the sed commands from manually to help me find out which command actually fails?

raghur commented 5 years ago

What are the special characters in the command you posted? that's just my zsh prompt. command being run is everything after docker.

here's the sed commands

root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# BRANCH="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | sed -r 's/[\/\\]+/_/g')"
root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# echo $BRANCH
root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# SDK_VERSION="$(git submodule status|grep esp32|sed -r 's/.*\((.+)\)/\1/')"
root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# echo $SDK_VERSION
-fc19954376654c3e1b4bec5c25cfa5ca241d39d1 sdk/esp32-esp-idf
root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# sed -i '/#define LUA_RELEASE[[:space:]]/ s/$/ " on ESP-IDF '"$SDK_VERSION"'"/g' "$lua_header_file"
sed: -e expression #1, char 99: unknown option to `s'
marcelstoer commented 5 years ago

I can't reproduce this and it's everything but logical. If you run those commands inside the Docker container you should have exactly the same environment as I have, shouldn't you (same Linux, same sed, etc.)? Or...did you change components/lua/lua.h?

raghur commented 5 years ago

I haven't made any changes at all...

Meanwhile, I did edit the build-esp32 file and removed the line so I could move forward. I'm puzzled as well!

I'll check lua.h again and just to make sure, run a fit clean as well tomorrow and report back

raghur commented 5 years ago

No edits in the working directory other than modified: components/platform/include/user_version.h

imediabank commented 5 years ago

i am a newbie and have same problem sed: -e expression #1, char 99: unknown option to `s'

can anyone show my detail how to fixed it ?

hk-badbuta commented 5 years ago

I have checked the file: /opt/build-esp32. I find that the sed line contained $SDK_VERSION causes the problem. it is because the string $SDK_VERSION contains slash '/' character that conflict with the search-and-replace syntax. I try to replace the '/' to '|' and it works. Here is the fixed line I use:

# append " on ESP-IDF xxx" to the Lua version
# sed -i '/#define LUA_RELEASE[[:space:]]/ s/$/ " on ESP-IDF '"$SDK_VERSION"'"/g' "$lua_header_file"
sed -i '/#define LUA_RELEASE[[:space:]]/ s|$| " on ESP-IDF '"$SDK_VERSION"'"|g' "$lua_header_file"
marcelstoer commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the proposed fix but $SDK_VERSION is not supposed to contain a '/'. Can you insert a echo "$SDK_VERSION" to show what its value is?

hk-badbuta commented 5 years ago

the value of "$SDK_VERSION" is sdk/esp32-esp-idf

How I get this value:

$ cd {path to nodemcu-firmware}
$ docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build bash
root@xxxx: vi /opt/build-esp32
root@xxxx: build

The version of nodemcu-firmware I use:

On branch dev-esp32
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/dev-esp32'.

My OS is Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS

marcelstoer commented 5 years ago

Ok, found's a user error but a mean one. The hint was actually right there in @raghur's 2nd comment; I just didn't see it.

root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# SDK_VERSION="$(git submodule status|grep esp32|sed -r 's/.*\((.+)\)/\1/')"
root@fc49106ab9f8:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# echo $SDK_VERSION
-fc19954376654c3e1b4bec5c25cfa5ca241d39d1 sdk/esp32-esp-idf

$SDK_VERSION obviously has the wrong value, something which @hk-badbuta also reported. It should be something like v3.3-dev-149-g1c4d9f2 (what I have here). This happens if you don't tell Git to resolve submodules upon checkout/clone as per

I will add a note to

raghur commented 5 years ago

Ok - So I think there's more to this. I checked my repo... Interestingly, from my host if I run git submodule status I get

1c4d9f2acacc666a4eb02f1450abd400e7df58c3 sdk/esp32-esp-idf (v3.3-dev-149-g1c4d9f2ac)

# git version
raghu@home-desktop  ~/code/esp32/tools/nodemcu-firmware   dev-esp32 ●  git --version       
Found existing alias for "git". You should use: "g"
git version 2.17.1

However, when I run the same thing inside the docker container, I get

root@14e279a1a318:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# git submodule status | grep esp32
-1c4d9f2acacc666a4eb02f1450abd400e7df58c3 sdk/esp32-esp-idf

root@14e279a1a318:/opt/nodemcu-firmware# git --version
git version 1.9.1

Within the container, if I run git submodule update --init somehow seems to fix things - after that git submodule status shows the tag version in brackets. Perhaps a good idea to include that in the build-esp32 script?

marcelstoer commented 5 years ago

@raghur thanks for your detailed feedback. The behavior you're seeing is different from the one I saw when I briefly tested on Windows. So, does seem to be related to #57 after all.

raghur commented 5 years ago

I see (or probably I dont).. in my case, I'm on Ubuntu KDE neon 18.04, if that's of any use.

dacodekid commented 5 years ago

@marcelstoer , I'm facing the same issue on MacOS (followed the exact procedure from README) and was able to fix it based @raghur 's finding.

docker run --rm -ti -v `pwd`:/opt/nodemcu-firmware marcelstoer/nodemcu-build bash
git submodule update --init

and it works.

jcwren commented 5 years ago

Same for me as @dacodekid, along with the suggested fix working.

coolwolf commented 5 years ago

@dacodekid thank you very much. this solve my problem.