marcelvanherk / Conquest-DICOM-Server

Conquest DICOM server, aiming for complete source code release
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Images are not compressing while DICOM Forward #36

Open arunjoshtech opened 10 months ago

arunjoshtech commented 10 months ago

The transfer syntax for attached images not functioning while forward Images to PACS. The images going uncompressed for both Lossy and lossless compression.

marcelvanherk commented 10 months ago

I need more information. What is your configuration and what rules are you using? Does it work for other images? It may be that the PACS does not accept the compresssion requested. Image seems normal.

arunjoshtech commented 10 months ago

we are using 1.50b version almost same more than 20 locations. For this site for both CT and MRI images are not getting compressed in windows 7. And same images getting compressed in another gdcm based dicom gateway while send it. I have tested the samples images in my computer running windows 10 produced same issues with latest 1.5.0d. Kindly check it using given attached DICOM images at your end.

marcelvanherk commented 10 months ago

What is the configuration? Forward statement and receiving archive.

arunjoshtech commented 10 months ago

Foorward statement exportconverters=1 exportconverter0 = forward series to KCPDICOM after 10.

Known dicom transfer syntax selected is j7. Receiving archive statement at our DICOM services (KCPDICOM SCP services)?

marcelvanherk commented 10 months ago

Seem to compress for me?

[CONQUESTSRV1] Accepted compression: js [CONQUESTSRV1] MyStudyRootRetrieveGeneric :: RetrieveOn [CONQUESTSRV1] Locating file:MAG0 00000000\1.2.840.113704.9.1000.16.1.2023083118592965400020002_0003_000003_16935133850000.dcm [CONQUESTSRV1] ReadAheadThread: readahead > 0000 [CONQUESTSRV1] RetrieveOn: givenout < 0000 [CONQUESTSRV1] Sending file : c:\dicom150d_minimal\data\00000000\1.2.840.113704.9.1000.16.1.2023083118592965400020002_0003_000003_16935133850000.dcm [CONQUESTSRV1] Image Loaded from Read Ahead Thread, returning TRUE [CONQUESTSRV1] JPEG-LS compress started. [CONQUESTSRV1] Debug[CompressJPEGLS]: H = 512, W = 512, Bits = 12 in 16, Components = 1, Frames = 1 [CONQUESTSRV1] JPEG-LS compress 524288 bytes to 180150 bytes [CONQUESTSRV1] JPEGLS compress time 15 milliseconds.

Can you catch the relevant bit of the log file?