marco402 / plugin-Rtl433-for-SdrSharp

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Acurite Atlas #13

Open ChrisM510 opened 4 weeks ago

ChrisM510 commented 4 weeks ago

Is there any plan for supporting the Acurite Atlas? rtl_433 on Linux supports it, and I use it with WeeWX, but would love to have support in this plugin as well. BTW, great work! :)

marco402 commented 4 weeks ago

The device acurite Atlas should work with plugin version Do you receive other devices? Do you have the same parameters as with linux frequency and sample rate? If you still can't do it, can you send me a cu8 file generated with the console version on linux and join the command line? For the support, what exactly do you want, there is information on my site but it corresponds to the first version:

ChrisM510 commented 4 weeks ago

Yes, I am getting data from other devices. I tried it on all sample rates, actually.
To see my weather station working:

Commands run on my weather server that work are: sudo rtl_433 -M utc -F json sudo PYTHONPATH=/usr/share/weewx python /usr/share/weewx/user/ --cmd="rtl_433 -M utc -F json"

Link to download my CU8 files:!Ag5R8XzWdn7vrQWwz8DnkHfMwrZ7?e=yhYz1f

marco402 commented 3 weeks ago

I decoded the 401 .cu8 files with the June 2024 RTL_433 version. I found 3 devices: -Acurite-6045M -Acurite-Tower -Ambientweather-F007TH

I haven't found an Acurite-Atlas device??

I converted the 2 corresponding Acurite files into a .wav file, my plugin detects them well?

What do you think?

ChrisM510 commented 3 weeks ago

I moved my antenna to direct line-of-sight with my is a new batch of CU8 files:!Ag5R8XzWdn7vrQbXUeSfYiRVKKbc?e=HIkb6i

I normally see 4 devices, Acurite 6045M, (2) Acurite Tower, and an Ambientweather sensor....but still do not see the Atlas. Atlas is not in the list of supported devices.

marco402 commented 3 weeks ago

I don't know if we understand each other

in the first message you tell me: " the Acurite Atlas? rtl_433 on Linux supports it". in the new files I still don't see the Atlas Acurite. In the last message, you tell me:"I normally see 4 devices, Acurite 6045M, (2) Acurite Tower, and an Ambientweather sensor....but still do not see the Atlas. Atlas is not in the list of supported devices." You are talking about RTL_433 under linux or the plugin or both?

For information, the sample rate > 250000 is useless for RTL_433.

marco402 commented 3 weeks ago

I downloaded .cu8 files corresponding to Acurite-Atlas on the RTL_433 website. I converted them to STEREO .wav with the plugin and then played again with SDRSharp 1920 and the plugin, I attach a copy of the window. Atlas

Have you tried RTL_433 in console mode on the same pc as SDRSharp?

ChrisM510 commented 3 weeks ago

Must be something on my end then...I will try something else. Thanks for looking into this for me.