This, rather naive, implementation focuses on feature requested in issue #55 - application should now prefer IPv4 addresses on "wlan*" interfaces.
It uses four ArrayLists for different types of addresses that are merged together in order of preference (IPv4 on wlan, other non-local IPv4, IPv6 and local).
Unfortunately I don't have a working Android development environment, but I've tried my best to test the algorithm on an isolated Java class and merge it with your code without any typos.
This, rather naive, implementation focuses on feature requested in issue #55 - application should now prefer IPv4 addresses on "wlan*" interfaces.
It uses four ArrayLists for different types of addresses that are merged together in order of preference (IPv4 on wlan, other non-local IPv4, IPv6 and local).
Unfortunately I don't have a working Android development environment, but I've tried my best to test the algorithm on an isolated Java class and merge it with your code without any typos.