marcoslucianops / DeepStream-Yolo

NVIDIA DeepStream SDK 7.0 / 6.4 / 6.3 / 6.2 / 6.1.1 / 6.1 / 6.0.1 / 6.0 / 5.1 implementation for YOLO models
MIT License
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Failed to import pytorch_quantization when creating onnx file #398

Open kimcheolhee80 opened 1 year ago

kimcheolhee80 commented 1 year ago

My development environment is as follows. -Jetson AGX Orin -JetPack 5.1.1 -DeepStream 6.2

I followed the instructions below to use yolo-nas. (

The onnx file was created with the $ python3 -m yolo_nas_l -w command.

While creating the onnx file, the following error log was output, but the onnx file was created normally. Deepstream-app -c xxx.txt confirmed that the video works normally.

Can I ignore Failed to import pytorch_quantization ? I'm a newbie so the question may be stupid. hope you understand.

Thank you very much for your efforts.

------------------------ log -------------------------

$ python3 -m yolo_nas_l -w h The console stream is logged into /home/dosong01/sg_logs/console.log [2023-06-28 12:44:38] INFO - - Crash tips is enabled. You can set your environment variable to CRASH_HANDLER=FALSE to disable it [2023-06-28 12:44:42] WARNING - - Failed to import pytorch_quantization [2023-06-28 12:44:42] WARNING - - Failed to import pytorch_quantization [2023-06-28 12:44:42] WARNING - - Failed to import pytorch_quantization [2023-06-28 12:44:42] WARNING - - Failed to import pytorch_quantization

Starting: yolo_nas_l_coco.pth Opening YOLO-NAS model

[2023-06-28 12:44:44] INFO - - Successfully loaded model weights from yolo_nas_l_coco.pth checkpoint.

Exporting the model to ONNX ================ Diagnostic Run torch.onnx.export version 2.0.1 ================ verbose: False, log level: Level.ERROR ======================= 0 NONE 0 NOTE 0 WARNING 0 ERROR =================== =====

Done: yolo_nas_l_coco.onnx

marcoslucianops commented 1 year ago

There's no problem. You can ignore it.