marcussacana / VNDB-Extender-2020

An Updated version of the VNDB Extender
39 stars 6 forks source link

Most of the covers not loading #7

Closed FiliCZ closed 4 years ago

FiliCZ commented 4 years ago

Don't know what Async does but I tried it both on and off and it still doesn't work. list

marcussacana commented 4 years ago

What browser? Also, what version of the extension are you using? If possible send a screenshot of the console output in the element inspector of your browser.

FiliCZ commented 4 years ago

Ok I just figured it out. Apparently in the extension setting only the main site was allowed, not the query. settings Don't know why that caused it to work just sometimes but it looks like it works fine now.

By the way there is a bug where although the "Disable tooltip" check box works fine and it remembers it's state after refresh, the actual function doesn't. What I mean by that is when I disable tooltips and refresh the page, the tooltips are back even though the check box is still checked.

marcussacana commented 4 years ago

@imKota Check your version of the extension and the permissions, see if are everything allowed. Also, what is your browser and their version?

marcussacana commented 4 years ago

I did a update, but not sure if that will fix it.

marcussacana commented 4 years ago

I really don't wanna support the chrome because the google ask for money to create a extension. That said, probabbly the chrome is just ignoring the CSP changes by the unsigned extension maybe? I can't do nothing about that probabbly, The code is working fine in the opera and msedge after all. But maybe there are a alternative to you, is to use a secondary extension to disable the CSP in your browser. But a warning, the CSP is a very important security feature to your browser, if you just left disable you can be vulnerable about your saved password and cookies. 3 Alternatives of those extensions, check if any of then allow disable only to one site, then left the without protection. The best alternative is forget this browser :+1: I dislike the google after all. That said I know is hard to just ask someone change the browser because of a single extension. But that is really what looks better to me personally, you can just export and import your favorites, the only problem is the saved passwords. Anyway in your case @imKota this is your problem, the chrome.

I almost forget, you can too just disable the Query feature of the VNDB Extender, change this line of the code change the true to false and that should work to you, probabbly, maybe, not sure. Can looks strange, why the extension works with you changing that? Basically the Query mode is a major otimization to the data loading of the visual novels. Without this feature the extension can works fine but you will increase many times the cache size usage of the extension. Also will load more slow, maybe with some hangs, and this will increase the request to the vndb site, this mean your IP can be temporally banned like in the old extension if you open many tabs.

marcussacana commented 4 years ago

AFK, Closing for now, if What I said don't fix just say