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Thumbnail generation for PDFs does not work #21

Open afritsch opened 8 years ago

afritsch commented 8 years ago

I have imagemagick installed, but I get this error in my logs:

[Fri Sep 25 21:39:03 2015] [hphp] [313:7f052b1ff700:3736:000001] [] \nFatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'Invalid filename provided' in /srv/http/transfer/index.php:1661\nStack trace:\n#0 /srv/http/transfer/index.php(1684): ImageServer::openPdf()\n#1 /srv/http/transfer/index.php(1744): ImageServer::createThumbnail()\n#2 /srv/http/transfer/index.php(1642): ImageServer::showThumbnail()\n#3 /srv/http/transfer/index.php(3160): ImageServer::showImage()\n#4 {main}

On a sidenote, prerequisites such as imagemagick should be mentioned in the readme, if you want, I can add this section to the readme.

Bob337 commented 7 years ago

Not working to me eather. :-(

mokuso commented 6 years ago

In addition to ImageMagick it also needs the wrapper 'php-pecl-imagick' rpm on fedora/rhel or