margro / TVServerXBMC

Kodi/XBMC pvr backend plugin for MediaPortal's TVServer
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Fixe #2

Closed jajoflo closed 12 years ago

jajoflo commented 12 years ago

1-Having the episode title is nicer than just the program name. Ideally we would have to add the episode name in xbmc FileItem so it would be available in the view. I prefer this imperfect solution to the current situation but feel free to leave it has before.

2- Properly handle Schedule not resolving to a program. (Has when the season is finish). 3- Properly handle Instant recording not having a program name that match the one in the EPG.


oh by the way I will send other PR to opdenkamp and then those this PR will me more usefull. (Currently recording and Next recording working properly on the home screen).

jajoflo commented 12 years ago

I have another modif to push, you might want to wait on this one, has soon i'm finish testing I will update this pr.

margro commented 12 years ago

Oh, ok. I've already imported this pull request with a few cosmetic changes. Send me your upcoming changes as separate pull request. Thanks for this one... Although I'm not sure whether skipping the recording title will work for everybody as you can choose not to store series in a subfolder. We will see if people will start to complain ;-)