marinebon / sdg14

Products for Sustainable Development Goal 14 on Life in the Sea
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define satellite anomaly products (what's weird) #10

Open bbest opened 7 years ago

bbest commented 7 years ago

From Satellite Team product development:



Satellite Level 3, 9 km (monthly):


For combining anomalies into single super wierd environmental data product:

Physical parameters (Hycom or ECCO-2)

Climatology: 2003 - 2007

Per-pixel anomalies based on: [Obs - Mean(2003-2007)]/SD(2003-2007)

Bopp et al. 2013 approach for combining variables for anomaly indices.

Critical: Data flow for on-the-fly analyses

Server Storage

Since Github only allows 1 GB of total file storage (and only 100 MB per file limit), we need to determine a space for storing files. Let's use the server and 2 TB of storage that Qiao Qiao (@asurinsaka) setup at He can give you SSH/SFTP accounts to access the big folder there /mbon.

eqmh commented 7 years ago

MARCH 22: Satellite Level 3, 9 km (monthly) currently being processed:

eqmh commented 7 years ago

March 24, 2016 telecon:

Luke: up to 35 indicators. The group is using a tier system for prioritizing specific indicators across sanctuaries and those for international areas of interest.

Frank: Anomalies not really dependent on the quality of the variable. Primary productivity products near the coast would be OK to use near the coast.

Jenn: The group is working on a generalized set of infographics that can be used across ecosystems:




Jenn Bosch:

bbest commented 7 years ago

Qiao upped memory on mbon server 1 to 8 GB, so now allows me to project and visualize the global rasters :)

Here's a quick test: image

eqmh commented 7 years ago


Satellite Level 3, 9 km (monthly) fully processed and anomalies calculated for: SST4 (night time) - MODIS Chl-a (default) - MODIS (SeaWiFS will follow - need to download and process [monthly available]) and should be quick. nFLH - MODIS all done PAR - MODIS all done SeaWiFS will follow - need to download and process [monthly available]) and should be quick. Adg-443: absorption of detritus and CDOM - MODIS (SeaWiFS will follow) Rrs (667 nm) - not good at global scale. Recommendation: use 1-km data for Sanctuaries Spectral slope backscatter - MODIS (SeaWiFS will follow): NASA General IOP algorithm (G-IOP; for updates may take up to a month for new data) Dan downloaded daily NOAA Coral Reef Watch products (5 km, global): SST, SST anomaly, Degree Heating Week (DHW). Dan will later bin to month but need to confirm with Frank (not happy about this product as it only goes back to 2013)

Dan is now downloading daily GHRSST (blended 1/4 deg grid starting 1981; via PODAAC) and should finish this week: this is for SST and sea ice fraction (0-1). Dan will bin to month and calculate anomalies and so on. We need to decide which SST product we will use for the SDG14 product

NCEP Met products (via OBPG): 1 degree grid, 6hr, wind u and v and 10 m above surface, since 1978 - Dan needs to download. For products: we could use this product to show wind intensity (not u and v components)

HYCOM: still need to figure out how to re-project with 3 different projections. Maria was going to talk to Behrenfeld's group (Ocean Productivity Group) about this. Can Ben deal with different projections?

Products will keep spatial resolution and projection of each product and we deal with how to display data later.

Need to define how we are going to blend anomaly products and what products will look like.

Seascapes: spatial assessment of seascapes with reference to climatological areas.

Frank suggest using thumbnails to display products generated on the fly.

We need to choose a single type of area, like LMEs or EEZs, from which anomalies and OBIS occurrence data (or list of taxa from Aquamaps) would be extracted. These areas can be obtained from WCMC. Aquamaps would provide a much larger list of taxa from ROIs that can be related back to anomalous environmental conditions to determine which species could be affected by them.

Ben needs to ask Kristin Kaschner (Aquamaps) for data and permission to use it.

Ben will get started with EEZs and SST and Chl anomaly products and linkages to biological datasets. The tool would allow to assimilate shapefiles for analyses.

OBIS role: taxonomic (provide a list of taxa) and functional group.

Next steps - Ben needs technical support with PostGIS applications. Qiao and Tiler can help with this.

Need to decide if we use WCMC shapefiles or those from other sources. WCMC marine regions are cumbersome to use.

SDG14 telecons will take place every two weeks from now on, starting again on Friday 21.

eqmh commented 7 years ago

APRIL 7: on EEZ, moved this comment to deal with country EEZ issue in global product · Issue #17 · marinebon/sdg14

bbest commented 7 years ago

more on EEZ, moved to this comment in #17

eqmh commented 7 years ago

Agenda - June 2, 2017 telecon:

From Dan: Satellite directories on the mbon server now have imagery with two different spatial resolutions. Along with the original set of products at 9km, there is now a set of products spatially binned to 0.25 degree. These are much smaller and should be better suited for on the fly calculations in polygons or other ROI that the user may define.

Grid sizes (global): 4320x2160 (9km) 1440x720 (0.25 deg) - FYI, this matches the GHRSST products

Within each product directory, there are now four sub-directories. Here is an example using chlor_a: mbon/data_big/satellite/chlor_a/anom_9km (anomalies at 9km) mbon/data_big/satellite/chlor_a/anom_27km (anomalies at 0.25 deg) mbon/data_big/satellite/chlor_a/clim_9km (climatologies at 9km) mbon/data_big/satellite/chlor_a/clim_27km (climatologies at 0.25 deg)

There are also some new climatology products. The original set uses 2003-2007. However, in looking at these, I noticed some gaps, so I created a set that uses 2003-2016, which are much smoother with many less gaps. The filenames tell you which years are being used. New sets of these can be easily generated, so if you have ideas on what years would be best, I can easily make them up. These climatology products are used to make the anomaly products, so reduced gaps in the climatologies leads to better-looking anom ("what's weird") products. We will use the 2003-2007 version when we incorporate SeaWiFS data, which is next on my list.

On MBON SDG14 and IMOS (Integ. Marine Observing System - Australia): · Tim Moltman may be in a position to provide constructive advice on our MBON SDG14 prototype product. · IMOS data, including biological data, can be discovered and accessed through the Australian Ocean Data Network (AODN) – see here. If you choose ‘biological’ parameters you’ll see what is there. Because of the complexities of biological data, we’re also developing a number of more specialised data tools which we can discuss if interested. · The Acoustic tracking data is handled in a separate database can be accessed here. Gabrielle, attached is an email from Xavier Hoenner reporting back on his trip to Barb Block’s lab. · Animal Borne Instrumentation is on the agenda at JCOMM Observations Coordination Group (OCG), and Lars Boehme gave a nice presentation on this at their most recent meeting – see here. · That said, in IMOS are not really on top of taxonomic data yet, and this is where we are hoping to work more closely with the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). ALA have supported development of the FishMap app. ALA also supports OBIS Australia (through CSIRO).