marionbriley / Translating-The-Aeneid

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Project Update 2/7/20 #3

Open marionbriley opened 4 years ago

marionbriley commented 4 years ago

This week, we began honing in on details of our project. At our meeting today we narrowed down some of the tags and attributes we want to use in our markup, after discussing the particular nuances of texts we are investigating. Sarah will be uploading a copy of those meeting notes shortly, so if anyone is interested, there will be more thorough notes there. In summary though, we want to try to tag tense, figurative language, names (patronymics?), and various other details in order to analyze choices of various translators. Throughout this discussion, schemas were on our minds and we began thinking about what ours will look like.

We also began working with some of the texts themselves. We have found a copy of the Latin, as well as several non-copywrited Spanish versions which I intend to choose between and begin marking up this week. Sarah and Kalan are going to look into German versions this week, and we all have to settle on an English translation as well. We determined the exact line numbers of sections we want to study:

Excitingly, Kalan and I even divvyed up the Latin text to begin our markup! For the Latin at least, we already have specific deadlines set to finish markup (importantly, as it is the original text), and for all other texts we have pretty solid ideas of our timelines. Looking forward to jumping into the text this week!

EsRessel commented 4 years ago

Sounds like you're off to a great start and have a solid plan for dividing and managing the workload. As someone who is unfamiliar with this work, I am curious about its historical context. How was it received by society? How did its receptions compare across time, translations and across cultures? It might be useful to include some of this background in your project. Good luck!

charlietaylor98 commented 4 years ago

We're in similar boats here; our group is also starting initial markup, and like you we have some idea of what we will be looking for, but until you actually get your hands on the documents there's no way of knowing the specifics of what you will tag. We have to pay special attention to our schema, and it might be difficult to find the right balance between limiting our language and allowing for flexibility as new situations arise.