mark-watson / swift-coreml-wisconsin_data_create_model

Apache License 2.0
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NOTE: as of April 2022, the CreateML class MLDataTable - the chapter for this example is removed until this problem is resolved. Web search has shown other people having htis problem.

There are two commented out lines at the bottom of the file main.swift:

 // create_model()

Uncomment the first call to create_model(), and run the main program:

swift build
swift run

After running the create model main function create_model(), then generate an interface to the model:

 cd Sources/wisconsin_data_create_model 
 xcrun coremlcompiler generate wisconsin.mlmodel --language Swift . 
 xcrun coremlcompiler compile wisconsin.mlmodel .

Then in the file main.swift, comment the call to create_model() and uncomment the call to predict and run the saved model:

$ swift run  
["ClassProbability", "Class"]
Class: Int : 0
ClassProbability: Dictionary : {
    0 = "0.8766589844853373";
    1 = "0.1233410155146627";

A HUGE THANKS to Stack Overflow contributers Vincent Garcia and Matthijs Hollemans for information that helped me get this example working properly!

This is an example program in my book "Artificial Intelligence Using Swift"

This example is released using the Apache 2 license.

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Copyright 2022 Mark Watson. All rights reserved.

This Book is Licensed with Creative Commons Attribution CC BY Version 3 That Allows Reuse In Derived Works

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This work is derived from all or part of "Artificial Intelligence Using Swift" by
Mark Watson. Source:

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This is the first edition released spring of 2022.

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