markdown-it-rust / markdown-it

markdown-it js library rewritten in rust
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consult how to use token like js markdown-it in markdown-it-rust #42

Open Maidang1 opened 1 month ago

Maidang1 commented 1 month ago

The project is really awesome! I'm going to implement @mdit-vue/plugin-component into Rust. When I checked the source code of @mdit-vue/plugin-component, I found some code as follows.

   let token = state.push('html_inline', '', 0);
   token.content = match[0]; = [startLine, state.line];
   // treat the following content as `inline` token to be parsed by other inline rules
   token = state.push('inline', '', 0);
   token.content = lineText.slice(match[0].length); = [startLine, state.line];
   token.children = [];

I'm confused about how to use the token in markdown-it-rust. Could you please give me a hand?

Maidang1 commented 1 month ago

Maybe I'm misrepresenting what I mean. I want to return two Node in an BlockRule run function like the code above. I just found return Some(Node, XX) is just push one Node into the state.node. So I have no idea how to implement same function。