Build started
git clone -q --branch=master C:\projects\razor
git checkout -qf bbe92e8a815a67dffa5b09787052cdd8cfe5c7e1
Patching AssemblyInfo
Patching FastColoredTextBox\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs...OK
Patching Razor\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs...OK
nuget restore Razor.sln
MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin'.
Nothing to do. None of the projects in this solution specify any packages for NuGet to restore.
msbuild "C:\projects\razor\Razor.sln" /verbosity:minimal /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll"
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.11.0+0538acc04 for .NET Framework
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(43,56): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.Opening' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(125,27): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.OnOpening(CancelEventArgs)' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(131,25): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.Close()' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(164,41): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.Items' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(190,30): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.ImageList' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj]
FastColoredTextBox -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\FastColoredTextBox.dll
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2203,5): warning MSB3270: There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "x86" and the processor architecture of the reference "cuoapi, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=AMD64", "AMD64". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your project and references, or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of your project. [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\Scripts\Engine\Interpreter.cs(158,18): warning CS0659: 'Variable' overrides Object.Equals(object o) but does not override Object.GetHashCode() [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\UltimaSDK\FileIndex.cs(310,60): warning CS0675: Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\Scripts\SpeechCommands.cs(61,25): warning CS0219: The variable 'type' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\Core\Targeting.cs(402,29): warning CS0414: The field 'Targeting.m_LTHarmWasSet' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\Client\OSI.cs(892,49): warning CS0414: The field 'OSIClient.WM_KEYUP' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\Core\Targeting.cs(346,29): warning CS0414: The field 'Targeting.m_LTBeneWasSet' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
C:\projects\razor\Razor\UI\WelcomeForm.cs(49,22): warning CS0414: The field 'WelcomeForm.m_PatchEncy' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
CSC : warning CS8012: Referenced assembly 'cuoapi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' targets a different processor. [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj]
Razor -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Razor.exe
23 File(s) copied
Creating library C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Loader.lib and object C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Loader.exp
Loader.vcxproj -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Loader.dll
Creating library C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Platform.lib and object C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Platform.exp
Platform.vcxproj -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Platform.dll
Generating Code...
Creating library C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Crypt.lib and object C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Crypt.exp
Crypt.vcxproj -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Crypt.dll
python --version
Python 2.7.18
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at
Collecting pip
Downloading (1.5MB)
Installing collected packages: pip
Found existing installation: pip 19.2.3
Uninstalling pip-19.2.3:
Successfully uninstalled pip-19.2.3
Successfully installed pip-20.3.4
pip install mkdocs
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality.
Collecting mkdocs
Downloading mkdocs-1.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB)
Collecting Jinja2>=2.7.1
Downloading Jinja2-2.11.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB)
Collecting livereload>=2.5.1
Downloading livereload-2.6.3.tar.gz (25 kB)
Collecting tornado>=5.0
Downloading tornado-5.1.1.tar.gz (516 kB)
Collecting Markdown>=2.3.1
Downloading Markdown-3.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (87 kB)
Collecting click>=3.3
Downloading click-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (82 kB)
Collecting PyYAML>=3.10
Downloading PyYAML-5.4.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl (191 kB)
Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23
Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl (14 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: six in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from livereload>=2.5.1->mkdocs) (1.16.0)
Collecting futures
Downloading futures-3.3.0-py2-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: singledispatch in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from tornado>=5.0->mkdocs) (3.7.0)
Collecting backports_abc>=0.4
Downloading backports_abc-0.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.2 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=36 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from Markdown>=2.3.1->mkdocs) (41.2.0)
Using legacy ' install' for livereload, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Using legacy ' install' for tornado, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: MarkupSafe, Jinja2, futures, backports-abc, tornado, livereload, Markdown, click, PyYAML, mkdocs
Running install for tornado: started
Running install for tornado: finished with status 'done'
Running install for livereload: started
Running install for livereload: finished with status 'done'
Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.3 Markdown-3.1.1 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 PyYAML-5.4.1 backports-abc-0.5 click-7.1.2 futures-3.3.0 livereload-2.6.3 mkdocs-1.0.4 tornado-5.1.1
pip install mkdocs-material
DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality.
Collecting mkdocs-material
Downloading mkdocs_material-7.2.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.2 MB)
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mkdocs>=1.2.2 (from mkdocs-material) (from versions: 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11.1, 0.12.0, 0.12.1, 0.12.2, 0.13.0, 0.13.1, 0.13.2, 0.13.3, 0.14.0, 0.15.0, 0.15.1, 0.15.2, 0.15.3, 0.16.0, 0.16.1, 0.16.2, 0.16.3, 0.17.0, 0.17.1, 0.17.2, 0.17.3, 0.17.4, 0.17.5, 1.0a1, 1.0b1, 1.0rc1, 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4)
ERROR: No matching distribution found for mkdocs>=1.2.2 (from mkdocs-material)
Command exited with code 1
Build started git clone -q --branch=master C:\projects\razor git checkout -qf bbe92e8a815a67dffa5b09787052cdd8cfe5c7e1 Patching AssemblyInfo Patching FastColoredTextBox\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs...OK Patching Razor\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs...OK nuget restore Razor.sln MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '' from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin'. Nothing to do. None of the projects in this solution specify any packages for NuGet to restore. msbuild "C:\projects\razor\Razor.sln" /verbosity:minimal /logger:"C:\Program Files\AppVeyor\BuildAgent\Appveyor.MSBuildLogger.dll" Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.11.0+0538acc04 for .NET Framework Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(43,56): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.Opening' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj] C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(125,27): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.OnOpening(CancelEventArgs)' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj] C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(131,25): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.Close()' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj] C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(164,41): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.Items' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj] C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\AutocompleteMenu.cs(190,30): warning CS0109: The member 'AutocompleteMenu.ImageList' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. [C:\projects\razor\FastColoredTextBox\FastColoredTextBox.csproj] FastColoredTextBox -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\FastColoredTextBox.dll C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\MSBuild\Current\Bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(2203,5): warning MSB3270: There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "x86" and the processor architecture of the reference "cuoapi, Version=, Culture=neutral, processorArchitecture=AMD64", "AMD64". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your project and references, or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of your project. [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\Scripts\Engine\Interpreter.cs(158,18): warning CS0659: 'Variable' overrides Object.Equals(object o) but does not override Object.GetHashCode() [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\UltimaSDK\FileIndex.cs(310,60): warning CS0675: Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smaller unsigned type first [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\Scripts\SpeechCommands.cs(61,25): warning CS0219: The variable 'type' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\Core\Targeting.cs(402,29): warning CS0414: The field 'Targeting.m_LTHarmWasSet' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\Client\OSI.cs(892,49): warning CS0414: The field 'OSIClient.WM_KEYUP' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\Core\Targeting.cs(346,29): warning CS0414: The field 'Targeting.m_LTBeneWasSet' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] C:\projects\razor\Razor\UI\WelcomeForm.cs(49,22): warning CS0414: The field 'WelcomeForm.m_PatchEncy' is assigned but its value is never used [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] CSC : warning CS8012: Referenced assembly 'cuoapi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' targets a different processor. [C:\projects\razor\Razor\Razor.csproj] Razor -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Razor.exe 23 File(s) copied stdafx.cpp Loader.cpp Creating library C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Loader.lib and object C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Loader.exp Loader.vcxproj -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Loader.dll Platform.cpp Creating library C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Platform.lib and object C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Platform.exp Platform.vcxproj -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Platform.dll Crypt.cpp LoginEncryption.cpp MemFinder.cpp OldStatusBar.cpp OSIEncryption.cpp PacketInfo.cpp stdafx.cpp uo_huffman.cpp UOArt.cpp Generating Code... twofish.c Creating library C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Crypt.lib and object C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Crypt.exp Crypt.vcxproj -> C:\projects\razor\bin\Win32\Release\Crypt.dll SET PATH=%PYTHON%;%PYTHON%\Scripts;%PATH% python --version Python 2.7.18 python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at Collecting pip Downloading (1.5MB) Installing collected packages: pip Found existing installation: pip 19.2.3 Uninstalling pip-19.2.3: Successfully uninstalled pip-19.2.3 Successfully installed pip-20.3.4 pip install mkdocs DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality. Collecting mkdocs Downloading mkdocs-1.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl (1.2 MB) Collecting Jinja2>=2.7.1 Downloading Jinja2-2.11.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl (125 kB) Collecting livereload>=2.5.1 Downloading livereload-2.6.3.tar.gz (25 kB) Collecting tornado>=5.0 Downloading tornado-5.1.1.tar.gz (516 kB) Collecting Markdown>=2.3.1 Downloading Markdown-3.1.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (87 kB) Collecting click>=3.3 Downloading click-7.1.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (82 kB) Collecting PyYAML>=3.10 Downloading PyYAML-5.4.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl (191 kB) Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 Downloading MarkupSafe-1.1.1-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl (14 kB) Requirement already satisfied: six in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from livereload>=2.5.1->mkdocs) (1.16.0) Collecting futures Downloading futures-3.3.0-py2-none-any.whl (16 kB) Requirement already satisfied: singledispatch in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from tornado>=5.0->mkdocs) (3.7.0) Collecting backports_abc>=0.4 Downloading backports_abc-0.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (5.2 kB) Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=36 in c:\python27\lib\site-packages (from Markdown>=2.3.1->mkdocs) (41.2.0) Using legacy ' install' for livereload, since package 'wheel' is not installed. Using legacy ' install' for tornado, since package 'wheel' is not installed. Installing collected packages: MarkupSafe, Jinja2, futures, backports-abc, tornado, livereload, Markdown, click, PyYAML, mkdocs Running install for tornado: started Running install for tornado: finished with status 'done' Running install for livereload: started Running install for livereload: finished with status 'done' Successfully installed Jinja2-2.11.3 Markdown-3.1.1 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 PyYAML-5.4.1 backports-abc-0.5 click-7.1.2 futures-3.3.0 livereload-2.6.3 mkdocs-1.0.4 tornado-5.1.1 pip install mkdocs-material DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 reached the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 is no longer maintained. pip 21.0 will drop support for Python 2.7 in January 2021. More details about Python 2 support in pip can be found at pip 21.0 will remove support for this functionality. Collecting mkdocs-material Downloading mkdocs_material-7.2.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (4.2 MB) ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mkdocs>=1.2.2 (from mkdocs-material) (from versions: 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11, 0.11.1, 0.12.0, 0.12.1, 0.12.2, 0.13.0, 0.13.1, 0.13.2, 0.13.3, 0.14.0, 0.15.0, 0.15.1, 0.15.2, 0.15.3, 0.16.0, 0.16.1, 0.16.2, 0.16.3, 0.17.0, 0.17.1, 0.17.2, 0.17.3, 0.17.4, 0.17.5, 1.0a1, 1.0b1, 1.0rc1, 1.0, 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3, 1.0.4) ERROR: No matching distribution found for mkdocs>=1.2.2 (from mkdocs-material) Command exited with code 1