markfarnan / go-canvas

Library to use HTML5 Canvas from Go-WASM, with all drawing within go code
Apache License 2.0
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go-canvas is a pure go+webassembly Library for efficiently drawing on a html5 canvas element within the browser from go without requiring calls back to JS to utilise canvas drawing functions.

The library provides the following features:


go-canvas takes an alternate approach to the current common methods for using canvas, allowing all drawing primitives to be done totally with go code, without calling JS.

standard syscall way

In a standard WASM application for canvas, the go code must create a function that responds to requestAnimationFrame callbacks and renders the frame within that call. It interacts with the canvas drawing primitives via the syscall/js functions and context switches. i.e.

laserCtx.Call("arc", gs.laserX, gs.laserY, gs.laserSize, 0, math.Pi*2, false)

Downsides of this approach (for me at least), are messy JS calls which can't easily be checked at compile time, forcing a full redraw every frame, even if nothing changed on that canvas, or changes being much slower than the requested frame rate.

go native way

go-canvas allows all drawing to be done natively using Go by creating an entirely separate image buffer which is drawn to using a 2D drawing library. I'm currently using one from which provides most of the standard canvas primitives and more. This shadow Image buffer can be updated at whatever rate the developer deems appropriate, which may very well be slower than the browsers animation rate.

This shadow Image buffer is then copied over to the browser canvas buffer during each requestAnimationFrame callback, at whatever rate the browser requests. The handling of the callback and copy is done automatically within the library.

Secondly, this also allows the option of drawing to the image buffer, outside of the requestAnimationFrame callback if required. After some testing it appears that it is still best to do the drawing within the requestAnimationFrame callback.

go-canvas provides several options to control all this, and take care of the browser/dom interactions

Drawing therefore, is pure go. i.e.

func Render(gc *draw2dimg.GraphicContext) bool {
    // {some movement code removed for clarity, see the demo code for full function}
    // draws red 🔴 laser
    gc.SetFillColor(color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff})
    gc.SetStrokeColor(color.RGBA{0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff})

    gc.ArcTo(gs.laserX, gs.laserY, gs.laserSize, gs.laserSize, 0, math.Pi*2)
return true  // Yes, we drew something, copy it over to the browser

If you do want to render outside the animation loop, a simple way to cause the code to draw the frame on schedule, independent from the browsers callbacks, is to use time.Tick. An example is in the demo app below.

If however your image is only updated from user input or some network activity, then it would be straightforward to fire the redraw only when required from these inputs. This can be controlled within the Render function, by just returning FALSE at the start. Nothing is draw, nor copied (saving CPU time) and the previous frames data remains.

Known issues !

There is currently a likely race condition for long draw functions, where the requestAnimationFrame may get a partially completed image buffer. This is more likely the longer the user render operation takes. Currently think how best to handle this, ideally without locks. Turns out this is not an issue, due to the single threaded nature. Eventually if drawing is in a separate thread, this will have to be handled.


A simple demo can be found in: ./demo directory. This is a shameless rewrite of the 'Moving red Laser' demo by Martin Olsansky

Compile with GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go build -o main.wasm

Includes a Caddy configuration file to support WASM, so will serve by just running 'caddy' in the demo directory and opening browser to http://localhost:8080


Live Demo available at:


This library was written after a weekend of investigation and posted on request for the folks on #webassembly on Gophers Slack.

I intend to extend it further, time permitting, into fully fledged support package for all things go-canvas-wasm related, using this image frame method.

Several of the ideas I'm considering are:

Others ? Feedback, suggestions etc. welcome. I can be found on Gophers Slack, #Webassembly channel.

Mark Farnan, February 2020