markusenglund / react-switch

A draggable toggle-switch component for React. Check out the demo at:
MIT License
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'Switch' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its instance type 'ReactSwitch' is not a valid JSX element #106

Closed Cutshadows closed 2 years ago

Cutshadows commented 2 years ago

If you're reporting a bug or incorrect behavior, please include:

TypeScript error in src/atoms/toggles/toggleSwitch/ToggleSwitch.tsx(35,5):
'Switch' cannot be used as a JSX component.
  Its instance type 'ReactSwitch' is not a valid JSX element.  TS2786

    33 |                        className={`flex justify-center items-center relative transition-all ${classNameContainer} ${(isLoading || isDisabled) ? 'pointer-events-none opacity-60' : ''}`}
    34 |                >
  > 35 |                        <Switch onChange={onChange} checked={checked} className={classNameSwitch} onColor={color} height={height} width={width}/>
       |                         ^
    36 |                        <LoaderIcon color={ICON_COLOR.BLACK} className={`absolute transition-all ${isLoading ? '-right-6 opacity-90' : '-right-0 opacity-0'}`} />
    37 |                </div>
    38 |        );

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
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altugcelik commented 2 years ago

we are facing the same error error .

martavis commented 2 years ago

Same here. As a workaround I did this:

import WrongSwitch from 'react-switch';

const Switch = WrongSwitch as any; // TS has an issue with the return type

Not ideal but it's just one extra line 🤷

Cutshadows commented 2 years ago

this is crazy but i installed the same package with npm and i dont see error. But i installed with Yarn and errors appeared with JSX.

I applied recommendation line with Yarn environment. I have "good result". Thanks.

errors also appeared in these libraries react-spring, react-tooltip

Cutshadows commented 2 years ago


` declare class ReactSwitch extends React.Component< ReactSwitchProps & allowedHTMLinputProps

{ return (

  {, i, arr)=>{
      if (i + 1 === arr.length) return child
      return {child}



export default ReactSwitch;


I implemented this line of code in the library that is in node_modules and it was solved.

jeroen-hoekstra commented 2 years ago

Maybe this will help. See link.

ThienTranDuy commented 1 year ago

add ts-ignore:

{/// @ts-ignore /} Dark Mode: