markusenglund / react-switch

A draggable toggle-switch component for React. Check out the demo at:
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Allow aria props #34

Closed wparrott-touchnet closed 5 years ago

wparrott-touchnet commented 5 years ago

I saw that aria-label and aria-labelledby are accepted props to the component, but there are a number of others that are required based on a given element's state. It would be nice if:

  1. All aria-* props are explicitly whitelisted, OR
  2. The component used the ...restProps syntax to allow passing any unanticipated properties to the component without the need to whitelist them individually

The specific prop that I came here about is aria-checked, which is required for checkbox inputs (see

markusenglund commented 5 years ago

I am pretty certain aria-checked is not needed. React-switch uses an <input type="checkbox"> under the hood, so we should only need the regular checked attribute. aria-checked is meant for when you don't use the native checkbox element. See MDN.

JaeYeopHan commented 5 years ago

@markusenglund I agree with you! Then... How can I solve this issue?

2019-02-07 9 43 56

I use this react-switch in my project. The lighthouse audit this issue in accessibility section. Could you give me advice?

markusenglund commented 5 years ago

Ah, it seems to be the role="switch" that creates problem in lighthouse. Their algorithm seems to detect any element with a role and checks if it has the required aria-* attributes.

The component works well with screen readers. Adding aria-checked to it will make no difference to what screen readers read out to users (as far as I can tell from testing with Voiceover). I suggest you ignore the warning, since there is no actual problem.

If you really need to pass the audit for some reason, I suggest you use patch-package to add aria-checked={checked} to the component in your project.

JaeYeopHan commented 5 years ago

@markusenglund Thanks! very helpful!

psenger commented 5 years ago

Hi @markusenglund thank you for such a wonderful widget.

I too need aria-* to pass through. If I may, let me explain. My switch, controls a Live Region. and I need to notify the SR that the given switch "aria-controls" that region. To get a better idea you can see this document ARIA_Live_Regions.

It looks like you are well versed on Aira, given your reply earlier. Maybe you can make a suggestion? If you agree, If I make the change, and PR, I think it would be best to simple pass all aria-* values and be done with it.

your thoughts?

markusenglund commented 5 years ago

Ok. Yeah, the best solution is probably to let people pass any prop they want straight to the input/checkbox element of the component. We could facilitate that by using the object ...spread syntax. I have been reluctant to do that because it adds a fair bit of size to the component after babel transpiles it, but it seems like it would be worth the cost.

sag1v commented 5 years ago

@markusenglund My use case is actually pass the required attribute to the input.

We can provide a dedicated object prop to be passed down to the underline input. something like

  inputProps={{required:true, 'aria-something': 'something'}} 

And then react-switch will just spread this single object instead of the entire rest of props

<input {...inputProps} />

markusenglund commented 5 years ago

@sag1v Yup, I was thinking basically the same thing. The only question is if we should do a special inputProps prop or just spread the rest of the props on the input so lib users could pass them in like:

  'aria-something': 'something'

I'll take a look at it tomorrow.

sag1v commented 5 years ago

@markusenglund Though my suggestion was in favor of the explicit inputProps, i take it back. It's true, most of the time "explicitness" is better, but in this case i realize there are some major cons:

  1. Extra prop to maintain for the library's API (any change may cause a breaking change)
  2. Less intuitive, the lib users must read the docs to know about this prop.
  3. Kind of awkward to pass these attributes to a JavaScript object instead of just writing them as element attribute

So spreading is actually superior in this case IMO.

Thanks for your time, if you want me to PR this i don't mind :)

markusenglund commented 5 years ago

Your points sound very reasonable. I'd absolutely appreciate a PR on this, although if I recall correctly it will take some changes to the Rollup config to make it happen. We need to use the babel object-spread plugin before the Buble compiler, since Buble doesn't support the rest-spread syntax at all.

sag1v commented 5 years ago

Yeah since babel 7

sag1v commented 5 years ago

@markusenglund done with #43 :)

markusenglund commented 5 years ago

This was fixed in 5.0.0. Thanks @sag1v for the PR!