marq24 / UUID0xFD6FTracer

Scan your current environment for devices running an app that make us of the ExposureNotification Service
GNU General Public License v3.0
122 stars 6 forks source link

Show near/medium/far also for the total count #25

Open xandro0777 opened 2 years ago

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago


marq24 commented 2 years ago

I have to admit, that I have difficulties to understand what you would like to see finally on the screen?

Do you want an additional total counters for "near" one for "medium" and another one for "far"? The Challenge I see here is, that a beacon can move from "far" to "near" - what's your expectation in such a situation concerning the "total" value of these fields?

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

Do you want an additional total counters for "near" one for "medium" and another one for "far"?


The Challenge I see here is, that a beacon can move from "far" to "near" - what's your expectation in such a situation concerning the "total" value of these fields?

Should be counted as the nearest it got so I know how many I passed very closely or at some distance.

marq24 commented 2 years ago

mhh - ok...

Can we agree on the following "total count" behaviour? 1 beacon going from far to near will be counted as total_count_far +1, total_count_medium +1 and total_count_near +1 1 beacon going from medium to far will be counted as total_count_medium +1, total_count_far +1 anything else will add quite a complexity which require additional CPU usage (and the overall goal of the app is to be as battery friendly as possible)...

And have on thing in mind, this near or far count does not replace any real CoronaWarning apps (since there is way more requited ten just detecting beacons)...

Also if you are a bit more interested, you can check out the integrated BTLE Beacon Scanner in my 100 % free GPSLogger app -> see for details (you might like to play around with the CSV export data).

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

Yes, that sounds good enough. Does the app remember beacon it saw previously?

The beacon scanner looks interesting, where do I get it?

marq24 commented 2 years ago

It's the core idea of the ExposureNotification Beacons that they are not trackable - the beacons change frequently their IDs (so actually it's a complete new beacon) and there is no way to "know" that ID had previously another ID...

In you would like to give GPSLoggers BeaconScanner a try you can get it vie the provided download links here:

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

Don't know for sure, but I thought every beacon lasts 2 weeks? Deduplicating them at least as long they don't change would make a huge difference. Most often I use the app just for a day and reset the counter in the evening anyway.

The GPS Logger is not on F-Droid?

marq24 commented 2 years ago

Don't know for sure, but I thought every beacon lasts 2 weeks?

My Experience is different - at least the German CoronaWarnApp Beacons will get every 2-5 minutes a new ID...

The GPS Logger is not on F-Droid?

Nope - it'S not open sourced (yet) - only Amazon as GooglePlay alternative is available

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

Just checked, it is true that the RPI should be exchanged every few minutes.

Citro12 commented 2 years ago

yes, you can control it with Ramble App

marq24 commented 2 years ago

The GPS Logger is not on F-Droid? Now it is :-)

xandro0777 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, will try it very soon :)