marschall / memoryfilesystem

An in memory implementation of a JSR-203 file system
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java jsr-203

Memory File System OpenSSF Scorecard Maven Central Javadocs

An in memory implementation of a JSR-203 (Java 7) file system for testing purposes.


Versions 2.x require Java 8+, versions 1.x require Java 7+.



Not Supported

Version History

Version 2 requires Java 8 and supports nanosecond time resolution. Automatically set mtime, atime and ctime will have nanosecond resolution only with Java 9+.

Version 1 requires Java 7.


Does it have bugs?

Quite likely.

What license is it?


Does it support concurrent access?

Yes, but hasn't been subject to much scrutiny so bugs are likely.

Does it work with the zipfs provider?

It should work fine in JDK 8+.

Is it production ready?

No, it's only intended for testing purposes.

Does it scale?


Does it have any dependencies?


Does it support JDK 9?

Yes, starting from version 0.9.2 the JAR is a modular JAR with the name com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem. The only module required besides java.base is java.annotation which is optional.

Does it work with Spring?

Yes, there is a POJO factory bean. It has been tested with Spring 3.2.4 but since it doesn't have any dependencies on Spring it should work with every ⩾ 2.x version. You can of course also use Java configuration or any other IoC container.

Does it work with OSGi?

Yes, it's a bundle and there's an activator that prevents class loader leaks. You should use the MemoryFileSystemBuilder instead of FileSystems#newFileSystem because ServiceLoader uses the thread context class loader. MemoryFileSystemBuilder avoids this by passing in the correct class loader.

Does it do any logging?


But I want all my file access logged

A logging file system that wraps an other file system is the best way to do this.

How can I set the current user?

Use CurrentUser#useDuring

How can I set the current group?

Use CurrentGroup#useDuring

Can I run Lucene?

Yes, starting with version 2.1 running Lucene is supported, see LuceneRegressionTest. It is important you use the #newLinux() method on MemoryFileSystemBuilder.

Are there other similar projects?

Yes, google/jimfs, sbridges/ephemeralfs, pbzdyl/memoryfs, sylvainjuge/memoryfs, twh270/jmemfs and nidi3/j7sf seem similar.

How does this compare to ShrinkWrap NIO.2?

ShrinkWrap NIO.2 seems to be mainly targeted at interacting with a ShrinkWrap archive instead of simulating a file system.


Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is to use the MemoryFileSystemBuilder

try (FileSystem fileSystem = MemoryFileSystemBuilder.newEmpty().build()) {
  Path p = fileSystem.getPath("p");

It's important to know that at any given time there can only be one memory file system with a given name. Any attempt to create a memory file system with the name of an existing one will throw an exception.

There are other new methods on MemoryFileSystemBuilder that allow you to create different file systems and other methods that allow you to customize the file system.

Next Steps JUnit 4

You probably want to create a JUnit TestRule that sets up and tears down a file system for you. A rule can look like this

final class FileSystemRule implements TestRule {

  private FileSystem fileSystem;

  FileSystem getFileSystem() {
    return this.fileSystem;

  public Statement apply(final Statement base, Description description) {
    return new Statement() {

      public void evaluate() throws Throwable {
        fileSystem = MemoryFileSystemBuilder.newEmpty().build();
        try {
        } finally {



and is used like this

public class FileSystemTest {

  public final FileSystemRule rule = new FileSystemRule();

  public void lockAsyncChannel() throws IOException {
    FileSystem fileSystem = this.rule.getFileSystem();

    Path path = fileSystem.getPath("sample.txt");


It's important to note that the field holding the rule must be public.

Next Steps JUnit 5

You probably want to create a JUnit extension that sets up and tears down a file system for you. A rule can look like this

class FileSystemExtension implements BeforeEachCallback, AfterEachCallback {

  private FileSystem fileSystem;

  FileSystem getFileSystem() {
    return this.fileSystem;

  public void beforeEach(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
    this.fileSystem = MemoryFileSystemBuilder.newEmpty().build("name");

  public void afterEach(ExtensionContext context) throws Exception {
    if (this.fileSystem != null) {

and is used like this

class FileSystemTest {

  final FileSystemExtension extension = new FileSystemExtension();

  public void lockAsyncChannel() throws IOException {
    FileSystem fileSystem = this.extension.getFileSystem();

    Path path = fileSystem.getPath("sample.txt");


If you're using an IoC container for integration tests check out the section below.


The com.github.marschall.memoryfilesystem.MemoryFileSystemFactoryBean provides integration with Spring.

  <bean id="memoryFileSystemFactory"

  <bean id="memoryFileSystem" destroy-method="close"
    factory-bean="memoryFileSystemFactory" factory-method="getObject"/>

You can of course also write a Java Configuration class and a @Bean method that uses MemoryFileSystemBuilder to create a new file system. Or a CDI class with a @Produces method that uses MemoryFileSystemBuilder to create a new file system.

By setting the "type" attribute to "windows", "linux" or "macos" you can control the semantics of the created file system.

For more information check out the Javadoc.

Guidelines for Testable File Code

The following guidelines are designed to help you write code that can easily be tested using this project. In general code using the old File API has to moved over to the new Java 7 API.


The project requires that JAVA_HOME is set to a JDK 11 or a toolchain with version 11 is set up.