martinandert / babel-plugin-css-in-js

A plugin for Babel v6 which transforms inline styles defined in JavaScript modules into class names so they become available to, e.g. the `className` prop of React elements. While transforming, the plugin processes all JavaScript style definitions found and bundles them up into a CSS file, ready to be requested from your web server.
MIT License
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add failing test case for nested selector #25

Closed lionelB closed 7 years ago

lionelB commented 7 years ago


I open a PR to discuss the support of nested selector (issue #24) I propose to handle global nesting using a parent prop in the specification object that is generated

Another way to support that is to it like in sass, using & char

  foo: {
    '& .bar': {
      color: 'red'
    '.bar &': {
      color: 'green'

should generate

.foo .bar {
  color: red;
.bar .foo {
  color: green;

what do you prefer ? and given i'm pretty new to babel-plugin, is there a simpler solution ?

martinandert commented 7 years ago

Hi @lionelB, this looks good so far. I think handling global nesting using the parent prop you propose is the way to go.