5 May 2011
It's only just over a year since I got my first ebook
reader. Now I only buy paper books when I really have to. I wrote my
last book thinking of it primarily as a paper book, but that will be the last
time, in the future electronic forms will be at the front of my
mind. These changes will completely alter the landscape of books, but
other than that, the next steps aren't that clear.
https://martinfowler.com/articles/ebook.html Musings on Ebooks
5 May 2011 It's only just over a year since I got my first ebook reader. Now I only buy paper books when I really have to. I wrote my last book thinking of it primarily as a paper book, but that will be the last time, in the future electronic forms will be at the front of my mind. These changes will completely alter the landscape of books, but other than that, the next steps aren't that clear.