martinmelin / githubmirror

A small script to keep a local bare copy of every repo in a Github organization, for faster cloning and deploys
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A small script to keep a local bare copy of every repo in a Github organization, for faster cloning and deploys


Download and run::

$ python install

Or install from PyPi_::

$ pip install githubmirror


To initialize a bare repository on your local machine for every repository in your Github organization::

$ github-mirror init <organization>

By default, github-mirror will create the repositories in your current working directory. Override this using the --workdir option.

When your repositories have been initialized, you can now trigger a git fetch for each repo by running::

$ github-mirror sync <organization>

To only sync or initialize a single repo, use the --only-repo= option.


To access the Github API to find your organization's private repositories, github-mirror asks you for an API token_. If you create a personal API token, it gives the same access to your account as your username and password, but can be revoked separately.

github-mirror will save your token to a .githubmirror file in your working directory. Please take care to protect this file from unauthorized access.

.. _API token: .. _PyPI: