martinrybak / SQLClient

Native Microsoft SQL Server client for iOS
MIT License
124 stars 51 forks source link
freetds ios microsoft-sql-server sql-server


Native Microsoft SQL Server client for iOS. An Objective-C wrapper around the open-source FreeTDS library.

Sample Usage

#import "SQLClient.h"

SQLClient* client = [SQLClient sharedInstance];
[client connect:@"server\instance:port" username:@"user" password:@"pass" database:@"db" completion:^(BOOL success) {
    if (success) {
      [client execute:@"SELECT * FROM Users" completion:^(NSArray* results) {
        for (NSArray* table in results) {
          for (NSDictionary* row in table) {
            for (NSString* column in row) {
              NSLog(@"%@=%@", column, row[column]);
        [client disconnect];


FreeTDS communicates both errors and messages. SQLClient rebroadcasts both via NSNotificationCenter:

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(error:) name:SQLClientErrorNotification object:nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(message:) name:SQLClientMessageNotification object:nil];  

- (void)error:(NSNotification*)notification
    NSNumber* code = notification.userInfo[SQLClientCodeKey];
    NSString* message = notification.userInfo[SQLClientMessageKey];
    NSNumber* severity = notification.userInfo[SQLClientSeverityKey];
    NSLog(@"Error #%@: %@ (Severity %@)", code, message, severity);

- (void)message:(NSNotification*)notification
    NSString* message = notification.userInfo[SQLClientMessageKey];
    NSLog(@"Message: %@", message);

Type Conversion

SQLClient maps SQL Server data types into the following native Objective-C types:

*The maximum length of a string in a query is configured on the server via the SET TEXTSIZE command. To find out your current setting, execute SELECT @@TEXTSIZE. SQLClient uses 4096 by default. To override this setting, update the maxTextSize property.

†The following data types are only converted to NSDate on TDS version 7.3 and higher. By default FreeTDS uses version 7.1 of the TDS protocol, which converts them to NSString. To use a higher version of the TDS protocol, add an environment variable to Xcode named TDSVER. Possible values are 4.2, 5.0, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, auto. A value of auto tells FreeTDS to use an autodetection (trial-and-error) algorithm to choose the highest available protocol version.


The SQLClientTests target contains integration tests which require a connection to an instance of SQL Server. The integration tests have passed successfully on the following database servers:

To configure the connection for your server:

Known Issues

PR's welcome!

Demo Project

Open the Xcode project inside the SQLClient folder.



CocoaPods is the preferred way to install this library.

  1. Open a Terminal window. Update RubyGems by entering: sudo gem update --system. Enter your password when prompted.
  2. Install CocoaPods by entering sudo gem install cocoapods.
  3. Create a file at the root of your Xcode project folder called Podfile.
  4. Enter the following text: pod 'SQLClient', '~> 1.0.0'
  5. In Terminal navigate to this folder and enter pod install.
  6. You will see a new SQLClient.xcworkspace file. Open this file in Xcode to work with this project from now on.


  1. Drag and drop the contents of the SQLClient/SQLClient/SQLClient folder into your Xcode project.
  2. Select Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed).
  3. Go to Project > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries.
  4. Click + and add libiconv.dylib.


SQLClient Class Reference

SQLClient: A Native Microsoft SQL Server Library for iOS




FreeTDS example code in C:

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