<moritz> one thing that comes up on perlmonks regularly is reading two files, and then joining them on a column
<moritz> or sometimes on two columns
<masak> ooh.
<masak> that might even be a good one for the non-beginner track.
* masak adds an issue
<masak> moritz++
<moritz> or filtering out lines from one file if a certain column exits in the second file
<moritz> there are many variations
<masak> aye.
<moritz> another one that comes up pretty often is extracting stuff from web pages
<masak> well, I do have a SCRAPER exercise.
<masak> thinking of extending it somewhat, though.
<masak> hm, maybe a good "theme" for the beginner track is to actually focus on files.
<masak> so you work on smallish inputs and you do things to them.
Referencing #7 here.