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firefox and thunderbird windows can't be moved with keyboard shortcuts #28

Open cheater opened 11 years ago

cheater commented 11 years ago

Hi, I'm not sure if I reported this here already, or if we just spoke about this in #mate. I wasn't able to find this report in the tracker anywhere.

I set up keyboard shortcuts in mateconf-editor under the marco app. They are for "move window to east edge" and "move window to west edge".

Those keyboard combos work for many applications, but don't for firefox. Initially the window assumes the new position, but as soon as I let go of the keyboard combination the window jumps back to where it was before.

I believe there were more programs that did that but I can't remember what they were off the top of my head.

Since Firefox is a fairly popular program and moving windows around is daily routine in two-monitor environments I would ask that this gets looked into. Currently Firefox makes up more than 50% of my work day and it would be a huge improvement in productivity for me if this started working properly. As it is I can only use FF on one monitor.

I am on Ubuntu 12.04.

$ marco --version marco 1.4.1

$ firefox --version Mozilla Firefox 18.0


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cheater commented 11 years ago

Hi, this is from #mate where dhbiker was friendly enough to run a test for me. He wasn't able to reproduce, on marco 1.2.0 on arch:

20:45 < cheater> dhbiker: do you have mate and firefox installed? 20:45 < dhbiker> nope 20:45 < dhbiker> chrome 20:45 < cheater> what about thunderbird? 20:45 < dhbiker> nope 20:46 < cheater> can you install it for a test? 20:46 < cheater> i'm trying to figure out if there's a bug in marco 20:46 < dhbiker> i'm on arch... 20:46 < cheater> does that mean you don't have mate? 20:46 < dhbiker> i didn't say that 20:46 < dhbiker> but i doubt that issues are so identical 20:46 < cheater> i don't think the distro is important if you can reproduce it 20:47 < dhbiker> firefox is installed 20:47 < cheater> it's not code that seems to be distro specific 20:47 < cheater> ok what version? 20:47 < dhbiker> 17.0.1 20:47 < cheater> do you have 1 or more monitors? 20:47 < dhbiker> 1 20:47 < dhbiker> atm 20:47 < cheater> ok open mateconf-editor 20:48 < cheater> go to apps/marco/window_keybindings 20:48 < dhbiker> yes cheater .. 20:48 < cheater> 1 sec 20:49 < cheater> ok now set move_to_side_w to a 20:49 < cheater> and move_to_side_e to f 20:50 < cheater> unmaximize mateconf-editor and see if pressing win key + a/f moves the window around 20:50 < cheater> it should work 20:50 < cheater> you might need to make the window smaller 20:51 < dhbiker> it works yes 20:51 < cheater> ok can you try the same with ff? 20:51 < dhbiker> already did 20:51 < cheater> does it work? 20:51 < dhbiker> yes 20:51 < cheater> great 20:51 < cheater> that's very valuable input 20:51 < cheater> what version of marco do you have? 20:51 < cheater> marco --version 20:51 < dhbiker> marco --version 20:51 < dhbiker> marco 1.2.0 20:51 < dhbiker> Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Havoc Pennington, Red Hat, Inc., and others 20:51 < dhbiker> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. 20:51 < dhbiker> There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 20:51 < cheater> interesting. i have 1.4.1. 20:52 < cheater> ok, great. thanks a lot. 20:52 < dhbiker> np

also another relation from mdszy who can reproduce it on fedora:

21:01 < mdszy> well hey 21:01 < mdszy> that's kinda weird 21:01 < mdszy> I replaced Compiz with Marco for a second 21:01 < mdszy> and the keybindings worked 21:02 < mdszy> for every application except firefox was kinda weird 21:02 < mdszy> I needed to hold down the keys to keep it moved 21:02 < mdszy> but everything else (like urxvt) stayed moved

sadly he /quit before I could ask him about marco version and distro issue.

szesch commented 11 years ago

I can confirm this issue using marco 1.4.1 on Wheezy.

cheater commented 11 years ago

I've also noticed some possibly related behaviours.

  1. I had a maximized terminal, which I placed at an edge (this means on the other monitor, say monitor 2). I was alt-tabbing and suddenly the terminal jumped over to the first monitor and unmaximized (so, say monitor 1). Not sure how to reproduce
  2. If I have a window set to visible on all workspaces, and i alt-tab to it, i get transported (with the window) to that workspace
  3. Start a terminal on monitor 1 (say, left monitor; note this is my default monitor with the panels etc) and maximize it using alt-f10. Then move it to the east edge using the marco keyboard command. It should be on the right monitor now. Use alt-f10 to unmaximize it. It goes back to the left monitor. Now maximizing and unmaximizing it any amount of times keeps it on the left monitor. Maximize it again and move it to the right monitor again. Unmaximize it and it moves back to the left monitor.
  4. Start a terminal on monitor 1 (say, left monitor; note this is my default monitor with the panels etc) and maximize it using alt-f10. Then move it to the east edge using the marco keyboard command. It should be on the right monitor now. Use alt-f10 to unmaximize it. It goes back to the left monitor. Now maximizing and unmaximizing it any amount of times keeps it on the left monitor. This time, do not maximize it. In unmaximized state move it to the right monitor (using the move to east edge keyboard shortcut). It is now on the right monitor. Maximize it, and it goes to the left monitor. Unmaximize it, and it goes to the right monitor again. Now, maximizing and unmaximizing it any amount of times keeps it on the right monitor.

This is super weird :)

Note this is all done using mate-terminal.

joobei commented 11 years ago

I'm experiencing similar issues with Mate 1.4.2 on Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit with iBus (but input methods off). I was trying to map <Super>Numpad6 to move_to_side_e (to move a window to the right side of the desktop). Marco is 1.4.1 version.

I couldn't find a reference to see WHAT i should enter into mateconf-editor (couldn't find what I should put for numpad6), so I opened mate-control-center to try to map from there. Unfortunately move_to_side_e wasn't available in the mate-control-center (in mateconf-editor it exists under apps>marco>window_keybindings). As such I tried binding "Switch to Workspace 1" which exists in both, so I can then go to mateconf-editor and copy paste it to move_to_side_e. When NumLock is on, i get "Mod4+6" but when it's off I get "Mod4+KP_Right" (is that normal behavior?). But even if I use that value in mateconf-editor on move_to_side_e it still doesn't move the window to the east side.

IF, however, I just use the normal cursor keys <Super>Right, left etc. It works but then on the next input event (be it keyboard input or mouse click), it brings the window back to where it was. IF!! The next input event is on ANOTHER window, then the window will stay on the east_side where it was moved with the shortcut.

To reproduce:

If the window is mateconf-editor then it behaves like this. If it's xchat, then the window goes back to its original position immediately upon release of the of the key. This doesn't happen on terminal.

Like cheater said, super weird stuff.

raveit65 commented 9 years ago

Is the issue still exits with Mate-1.8/10 ?

monsta commented 8 years ago

Initially the window assumes the new position, but as soon as I let go of the keyboard combination the window jumps back to where it was before.

Goddammit, it's exactly like that in Marco 1.11. Only Firefox and Thunderbird behave like that. Usual apps like Caja or mate-keybinding-properties have their windows moved like they should.

anorman728 commented 7 years ago

I'm having this issue on Ubuntu 16.04, with MATE installed through apt-get instead of using Ubuntu MATE. MATE version is 1.12.1.

raveit65 commented 7 years ago

Confirmed with marco-1.19.0-1.fc26.x86_64. But it works with metacity and gnome keybindings.

cheater commented 7 years ago

@monsta looks like you only tried it with programs provided by mate... try it with programs not provided by mate.

geoffm commented 7 years ago

I'm having this issue on a fresh install of Ubuntu MATE 16.04

vkareh commented 4 years ago

This is not an issue in MATE 1.22, as far as I know. Is anyone else experiencing this or can we close?