material-motion / tools

The Material Motion team's tools
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[mdm tools install] yarn/node is broken? #178

Closed pingpongboss closed 7 years ago

pingpongboss commented 7 years ago
$ mdm tools install
Updating submodules...
Submodule path 'third_party/apidiff': checked out 'd0549ada5e3e7346adb04422be05f229dda56005'
✓ arc
✓ brew
✓ node
✓ gh
✓ yo
✓ pip
✓ proselint
☐ tsc
/usr/local/bin/tsc -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsc
/usr/local/bin/tsserver -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/typescript/bin/tsserver
└── typescript@2.0.10 

☐ yarn
Updating Homebrew...
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae
closure-stylesheets         elasticsearch@2.4           mysql@5.5                   node@0.10                   node@4                      node@6                      tomcat@7
dnsviz                      glfw                        mysql@5.6                   node@0.12                   node@5                      tomcat@6
==> Updated Formulae
antigen                          exploitdb                        javarepl                         mandoc                           parquet-tools                    swiftgen
arangodb                         ffmpeg ✔                         jemalloc                         media-info                       percona-toolkit                  swiftlint
argyll-cms                       flow                             jenkins                          mediaconch                       percona-xtrabackup               sync_gateway
aws-elasticbeanstalk             fluent-bit                       jsonschema2pojo                  mercurial                        pgroonga                         tccutil
aws-sdk-cpp                      fonttools                        kapacitor                        micro                            pngquant                         td
awscli                           fstar                            kibana                           minio-mc                         pre-commit                       terragrunt
baresip                          git-ftp                          kops                             mkvtoolnix                       rancid                           texmath
camlp4                           git-lfs                          lablgtk                          moc                              readline ✔                       tgui
camlp5                           glbinding                        lean-cli                         monkeysphere                     redis                            the_silver_searcher
chruby-fish                      go                               ledit                            mu                               roswell                          tomcat-native
clutter-gst                      grafana                          lfe                              mutt                             s-search                         tor
cmake                            grib-api                         libcue                           mytop                            saltstack                        treefrog
cmus                             groonga                          libgsf                           neo4j                            scala                            twarc
coffeescript                     harfbuzz                         libical                          neofetch                         scale2x                          u-boot-tools
collectd                         headphones                       libical-glib                     nifi                             sdl_image                        vala
conan                            highlight                        libmicrohttpd                    ocaml                            sdl_mixer                        vim
coq                              hunspell                         libpst                           ocamlbuild                       shared-mime-info                 vmtouch
coreutils                        hyper                            libre                            ocamlsdl                         softhsm                          yarn
cromwell                         imagejs                          librem                           offlineimap                      sourcekitten ✔                   yle-dl
crystal-lang                     imagemagick ✔                    libunistring                     openvdb                          sqlmap                           youtube-dl
datetime-fortran                 innotop                          libwpd                           orientdb                         ssreflect                        zero-install
dmd                              ipmitool                         links                            pandoc                           stunnel                          zstd
docker-machine-driver-xhyve      jadx                             logtalk                          pandoc-citeproc                  subversion
dub                              jasper                           macvim                           pandoc-crossref                  swiftformat
==> Renamed Formulae
libmongoclient -> mongo-cxx-driver                                                                  mongo-c -> mongo-c-driver
==> Deleted Formulae
libbson                                                           libmongoc                                                         ttylog

==> Installing dependencies for yarn: node
Error: Cannot link node
Another version is already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/node/7.0.0
pingpongboss commented 7 years ago

Just had to brew unlink node then brew install node. No idea why. Closing.