19andMe is an interactive dashboard for users to calculate their individualized risk score of contracting COVID-19 and related adverse health outcomes. https://19andme.covid19.mathematica.org/
How 19andMe Works?
19andMe takes user input on where you live, who you are, and what you do in the pandemic, uses the best available science to provide a ballpark estimation on the how likely someone with similar characteristics like you may contract COVID-19, and if infected, how likely is the outcome going to be severe. Please see the "Methods" tab in the app for more details on our methodology.
We appreciate additional support towards this project from Alex Bohl, Dave Peters, and Matt Gillingham.
For more information, please contact Cindy Hu at CHu@mathematica-mpr.com or at covid.risk.score@gmail.com.
This project is built to use Docker and docker-compose to make development easy across all machines and remove host machine configuration as a potential issue. Use docker-compose
to get started quickly. You will need to install docker and docker-compose.
Use docker-compose to build the image:
docker-compose build
Remember that docker images are immutable once built. Only changes to files in /home/rstudio
will persist after restarts.
To create an RStudio environment preloaded with all dependencies
Create a .env
file that defines the desired RStudio password, e.g.
There is an example sample.env you can also use. Copy it and rename it to .env
Email the Mathematica Communications team to get an x-api-key. We will use this to make POST requests for the covid-risk-score-api. Add X_API_KEY to your .Renviron
Start the environment
docker-compose up
Visit http://localhost:8787
and start hacking.
Keep shiny app code in app.R
. Launch it for development with shiny::runApp('app.R')
Utilize the attached Dockerfile for a simple but efficient deployment setup.