Closed Murali25111993 closed 4 months ago
You can adjust camera topics here to ones from realsense2: and here:
Otherwise, other stuff would be fairly the same.
What are you referring by "px4flow"?
I mean are you using Opti-track in simulation. Link Since, there was reference to mocap and px4flow in the px4_config.yaml
Anyhow, I will the implement the changes you mentioned above and update you the result.
I took a basic px4_config.yaml
and changed what I needed. The mocap and px4flow are not used. I lot of stuff in that config is not used actually. The ~original~ file is based on is this one:, you may do a diff to see the differences (I think the main difference is that vision_pose
is in map frame instead of odom).
Thanks for clarifying, I will keep you posted.
I made the changes as you said. Changed slam.launch.
1.Launched Realsense 2.launch spawn_drone.launch 3.launch slam.launch 4.rosrun static transform between base_link and camera_link
I am getting 3d map, and when i run rosrun rtabmap_drone_example offboard,
I am getting Error light in pixhawk, upon checking mavros , it is having an info
[ INFO] [1719910658.472820145]: HP: requesting home position
Any px4 parameter has to changed?
It looks repeatedly re-arming the vehicle. The TF tree looks fine. I think [ INFO] [1719910658.472820145]: HP: requesting home position
is not an error, but maybe an effect of the error happening.
I don't remember exactly but there should be some configs (similar to this) to setup with QGroundControl on the actual drone. The main parameters to setup are:
would need to be tuned based on visual odometry delay.
Yes, This worked. Changed the params EKF2_AID_MASK , EKF2_HGT_MODE, EKF2_EV_DELAY Link
Now, It moves to offboard mode, arming and taking off.
Thank you , This issue can be closed.
You can adjust camera topics here to ones from realsense2:
Otherwise, other stuff would be fairly the same.
What are you referring by "px4flow"?
Hi @matlabbe,
I am also trying to get this to work for a real drone. But, I do not have access to depth image directly such as what may be provided by a RealSense depth camera.
I do have access to a stereo pair. I know that RTAB-MAP supports stereo directly. Could you suggest the changes I need to make to the launch file in order for the SLAM, costmap and navigation to work with a pair of stereo cameras directly.
I had another query along with this. The drone I am using (Qualcomm RB5 Flight) does not publish Camera Information natively via ROS. The workaround I figured for this was to find the camera information off the internet and publish it using a seperate publisher. Will this be okay? I haven't implemented/tested this yet. Kindly let me know if there is a workaround for this, or a better way to get the camera info for RTAB-MAP.
In general, you cannot "just take any calibration found on internet", there should be a way to extract the factory calibration from your camera. Otherwise, you will need to calibrate is yourself.
To convert to stereo, you would have to change this: to something like this:
<arg name="stereo" value="true" />
<arg name="left_image_topic" value="/stereo/left/image_rect" />
<arg name="left_camera_info_topic" value="/stereo/left/camera_info" />
<arg name="right_image_topic" value="/stereo/right/image_rect" />
<arg name="right_camera_info_topic" value="/stereo/right/camera_info" />
<arg name="imu_topic" value="/mavros/imu/data"/>
<arg name="wait_imu_to_init" value="true"/>
<arg name="approx_sync" value="false"/>
Then for the obstacle cloud, you can change this: for this:
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="camera_points_xyz" args="standalone rtabmap_util/point_cloud_xyzrgb">
<remap from="left/image" to="/stereo/left/image_rect"/>
<remap from="left/camera_info" to="/stereo/left/camera_info"/>
<remap from="right/image" to="/stereo/right/image_rect"/>
<remap from="right/camera_info" to="/stereo/right/camera_info"/>
<remap from="cloud" to="camera_cloud" />
<param name="decimation" type="double" value="4"/>
<param name="voxel_size" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<param name="approx_sync" type="bool" value="false"/>
If you have to rectify your images, you can use stereo_image_proc. If you use it, you could use the disparity image generated by stereo_image_proc
to create the point cloud for obstacles:
<node pkg="nodelet" type="nodelet" name="camera_points_xyz" args="standalone rtabmap_util/point_cloud_xyz">
<remap from="disparity/image" to="/stereo/disparity"/>
<remap from="disparity/camera_info" to="/stereo/camera_info"/>
<remap from="cloud" to="camera_cloud" />
<param name="decimation" type="double" value="4"/>
<param name="voxel_size" type="double" value="0.0"/>
<param name="approx_sync" type="bool" value="true"/>
@matlabbe Thank you for the response!
I did find the factory configuration for the cameras and will be using that to get the camera_info topic for the left and right cameras.
I do have an additional question. The following line of code mentioned above
<remap from="cloud" to="camera_cloud" />
suggests that RTAB-MAP is expecting a topic publishing pointcloud data as well. I do not have a pointcloud from the sensors that I am using by default. What should I do in this scenario. Kindly correct me if I am wrong in this interpretation.
<remap from="cloud" to="camera_cloud" />
It is the output of the point_cloud_xyz
node, it is created based on the disparity image or stereo images depending on which approach you used.
I have tried with simulation , it is working fine. Now I want to try with real drone.
Setup: Realsense D455 Jetson Orin NX,(Ubuntu 20.04, Ros Noetic) Px4- v 1.12.3
I have tested official offboard example with GPS , Its working fine. Now I want to try Indoor. Since, you were using r200 color and depth image + /mavros/imu/data , px4flow . I also want to try with d455 rgbd + mavros/imu , without px4flow.
What are the changes I want to make ?