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Page Overlay - Analytics Overlay on your site! (Aka in-site analytics) #2465

Closed mattab closed 11 years ago

mattab commented 13 years ago

In order to show analytics data as an overlay, we have to set up a cross-domain communication protocol. The aim of this ticket is to complete a simple version of the feature that provides extensible mechanisms for the communication. Based on this, we can add more things to it.

Page Overlay displays a block around each link showing the % of clicks on this link. the user can still browse the website. On the left a sidebar displays the key statistics for the currently viewed page. It also easily allows the user to open the Page Transitions report and the Row evolution historical report for this particular page.

See #3530 List of Page Overlay Improvements for more info and the current state of the art!

mattab commented 11 years ago

Replying to EZdesign:

Attachment Overlay - links that are behind hovered menu are still displayed.png added

I don't think there's a way to avoid that. Does anybody know how we could tell (efficiently) when a link is behind another dom element? (By the way, Google's JS devs don't.)

Umh, that's a tricky one... Well, we could keep track of a list of rectangles, that are overwriting others, and use this array as a "blacklist" to hide (bubbles inside the blacklist X-Y but not a children of the DOM node so they must be behind it) ?

mattab commented 11 years ago

What is the "Top Page URL"? The one with most hits? Might be counter-intuitive in many cases. The solution above is the best we could come up with. Maybe there's something we're missing...

Yes the one with most hits. but we don't really need this yet, as I would prefer removing submenu by default (worth keeping on the ideas list to to load the "Top Page URL" as it would be useful for those enabling the menu).

  • I was using Piwik correctly: I set "Alias URL" to but I was only tracking -- so when Overlay loaded with it failed and I was stuck and could not use Overlay.

That's the exact problem we were facing with my client's website. That's why I added the config option and they launch it from the actions report. I think it would help to add another config option that would hide Overlay from the menu. With these two options combined you could make it only accessible via the pages report and this way make sure that it is only openend for pages tracked by piwik. What do you think?

Agreed these 2 options are important. Overlay submenu does not feel like it belongs like other "Action types"...

I have thought hard about this and here is what I think would be best functionnality:

What do you think about this proposal?

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7443]) Refs #2465 Looks like a bug in the menu code, but 99 works...

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

once the API is final and all other core things are done, it wiill be nice to add integration tests (but better focus on functionnality first)

Acutally Overlay doesn't really have an API. It's just a proxy for other API methods with cookie authentication. I'd rather write good test cases for Transitions.

i would like to see a new discreet option "Show Clicks instead of % clicks"

If you have 13472 clicks, it's too much text for the bubbles. Maybe we can show the total number in the lower right on hover?

Could be fun to have similar a mode "Highlight All Links" that would put a dark grey overlay on the site and only show the bubbles.

The "Color Overlays" would have the same effect with additional benefits. It's on the list of improvements.

Have you tried it on GA?

in full screen, there should be a way to "collapse" the sidebar. This is because, some websites are distorted with the sidebar on the left

Why not use the new tab feature when the sidebar distorts the website?

Attachment Overlay - links that are behind hovered menu are still displayed.png added I don't think there's a way to avoid that. Does anybody know how we could tell (efficiently) when a link is behind another dom element? (By the way, Google's JS devs don't.) Umh, that's a tricky one... Well, we could keep track of a list of rectangles, that are overwriting others, and use this array as a "blacklist" to hide (bubbles inside the blacklist X-Y but not a children of the DOM node so they must be behind it) ?

And how would you build such a list? Also keep in mind that DOM elements can be added, removed and repositioned at any time. I don't see any other way than processing every DOM element every two seconds. That would slow everything down a lot...

I would prefer removing submenu by default / clicking on the Page Name or Page Url should I think open Page Overlay Full Screen

First of all, it won't work for the page name because they are not URLs.

In general, I have to think about this for a while... Launching Overlay only from the pages report would be very different from the way other analytics tools do it. It would have andvantages but it would also make it harder to use for people coming from other tools because the workflow they know is opening it via the menu and then clicking throught the website.

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7444]) refs #2465

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

Replying to matt:

(In [7443]) Refs #2465 Looks like a bug in the menu code, but 99 works...

Doesn't work on the demo - at least not when signed in.

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7445]) refs #2465

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7446]) refs #2465 this was missing in the last commit

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

i would like to see a new discreet option "Show Clicks instead of % clicks" If you have 13472 clicks, it's too much text for the bubbles. Maybe we can show the total number in the lower right on hover?

I just realized that this is nonsense. The absolute number is shown on hover. But the point that absolute numbers are too large for the bubbles is still valid.

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7447]) refs #2465

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7448]) Refs #2465 Will test on demo + Cleaning up Insight plugin from config file + filesystem on update

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7449]) Refs #2465 piwik.js is different but looks like white space difference

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

I tried the patch for tracking only pageviews as previous actions. It does the job but there is a problem:

Transitions relies on the fact that there are as many following actions as pageviews. This is used to derive the number of exits and to determine the height of the connections. Changing the tracking behavior requires a change in the display logic of transitions and (more imprtantly) i think it would require an additional query to derive the number of exits in transitions.

This is a quite though challenge but the data quality for a list of outlinks / downloads is really bad at the moment so we should try to do it somehow...

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

How about we drop the approach to show Overlay inside Piwik completely?


timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7453]) refs #2465

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7454]) refs #2465: followingpages.js improvements

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7455]) refs #2465 minor bugfix for followingpages.js

mattab commented 11 years ago

Could be fun to have similar a mode "Highlight All Links" that would put a dark grey overlay on the site and only show the bubbles.

The "Color Overlays" would have the same effect with additional benefits. It's on the list of improvements.

Have you tried it on GA?

I just did, it's pretty cool! I think the site behind should be even a bit darker. It would be nice to have, and useful help to the analysis

in full screen, there should be a way to "collapse" the sidebar. This is because, some websites are distorted with the sidebar on the left

Why not use the new tab feature when the sidebar distorts the website?

because it opens in a new website, and is much slower (have to wait page load again), than if the sidebar was simply collapsed... +1 for sidebar collapse!

Attachment Overlay - links that are behind hovered menu are still displayed.png added I don't think there's a way to avoid that. Does anybody know how we could tell (efficiently) when a link is behind another dom element? (By the way, Google's JS devs don't.) Umh, that's a tricky one... Well, we could keep track of a list of rectangles, that are overwriting others, and use this array as a "blacklist" to hide (bubbles inside the blacklist X-Y but not a children of the DOM node so they must be behind it) ?

And how would you build such a list? Also keep in mind that DOM elements can be added, removed and repositioned at any time. I don't see any other way than processing every DOM element every two seconds. That would slow everything down a lot...

It would work only on timer, indeed... Ok for not doing it, it's fine as it is!

In general, I have to think about this for a while... Launching Overlay only from the pages report would be very different from the way other analytics tools do it. It would have qandvantages but it would also make it harder to use for people coming from other tools because the workflow they know is opening it via the menu and then clicking throught the website.

Ok I let you think... I don't like "Overlay" in "actions" menu but I also agree that it would be nice to have it in one menu somewhere...

Note: To allow discover this feature further, we could even add row evolution in the "All Websites" dashboard and default the "Overlay" action to open the default Site URL overlay.

mattab commented 11 years ago

Replying to EZdesign:

i would like to see a new discreet option "Show Clicks instead of % clicks" If you have 13472 clicks, it's too much text for the bubbles.

I propose 14.5K or 1.1M (0 or 1 decimal based on space available)

There's a similar prettyfying function in Piwik::getPrettySizeFromBytes() used in DBStats report.

I think this would be awesome! many people like clicks more than % (and both separately are really useful)

mattab commented 11 years ago

Replying to EZdesign:

I tried the patch for tracking only pageviews as previous actions. It does the job but there is a problem:

Transitions relies on the fact that there are as many following actions as pageviews. This is used to derive the number of exits and to determine the height of the connections. Changing the tracking behavior requires a change in the display logic of transitions and (more imprtantly) i think it would require an additional query to derive the number of exits in transitions.

This is a quite though challenge but the data quality for a list of outlinks / downloads is really bad at the moment so we should try to do it somehow...

Personnally I prefer the solutoin patch + wrong "Exit" data in Transitions rather than the current solution...

I agree it will create bit of wrong data in transitions for exits, but it's really cool to not miss clicks from pageA -> PageB because of intermediate downloads. People who need the exit rate for a given page can use the exit_rate from the Actions report. IN fact I'm sure they will...

I am not keen to add new queries to fix this. We would better even query the Page URL metrics and derive exits from there rather than add a new query...

But +1 for applying patch and figuring out what to do next, after ;)

mattab commented 11 years ago

Replying to EZdesign:

How about we drop the approach to show Overlay inside Piwik completely?

  • From the pages report, we link to ?module=Overlay... instead of ?module=CoreHome...#module=Overlay...
  • This would always open in a new tab

That could be cool, but somehow I feel it's better how you did , and add a user option (bottom of sidebar?) "Start Overlay in Full Screen mode" recorded per user. This way I feel will be most usable and fit everybody (I would set to full screen default but many users prefer not to not have the "context" and whole thing change).

  • The "Open in new tab" link would become "Hide sidebar".

I wanted to suggest that too. But, it would also work when looking at piwik menu + overlay: it owuld be nice to hide sidebar there to at least display 100% of width even if piwik menu still take height space.

  • To launch Overlay on the home page, we could add a widget that only contains this link.

nice idea, to have a widget "Page Overlay" with an input field containing by default the top Page URL, when click "Open Overlay" button which would load the Overlay Full Screen.

  • We add a link box to website that contains "Show sidebar" and links back to ?module=Overlay...

When the overlay is viewed full screen, by default I would propose:

In full screen a mode "Shadow website + Highlight link" will be amazing! I like the bubbles and borders and I think with a nice background color inside, and a black opacity overlay below, could look amazing and inviting for users to really SEE how "clickable" their website is, and what is being used. It's all about picking right colors now, see email ;)

  • Mode 1: with sidebar
  • Mode 2: without sidebar
  • Mode 1 and 2 can be toggled, no matter how the session was started (would also work for #overlay later)
  • Mode 1) is also required for #3536 I believe, which will be awesome to have for Piwik Mobile to view Page Overlay
  • Mode 2) what is the different with #overlay or is it the same?

I would add:

Ok it's a long talk here but it's important to get this right.... this could be a super useful analytics feature to allow to discover easy improvements to one's on-sit optimizations!

mattab commented 11 years ago

Bug report:

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7460]) refs #2465 improved followingpages.js

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

The previous commit should fix all bugs the have been reported concerning the bubbles. There still are problems with sliders that rely on a container with overflow:hidden. I won't fix that for now because it would be complicated and expensive (in terms of CPU).

I didn't check in all browsers yet so there still might be browser-related problems.

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7467]) Refs #2465 Will test on demo

timo-bes commented 11 years ago
  • Message can be slightly improved:
    • If the user is admin for the site Piwik::isUserHasAdminAccess($idSite) then the message could link to: module=SitesManager&action=index with hash tag: #row5 for idsite=5 --> this way they can directly edit the settings and we make the feature pain free!

Great idea! The only problem is that #row5 links to fifth row, not the row with idSite=5. So how could else could we link to right row in the table?

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7470]) refs #2465

overlay has two modes now: full screen with sidebar & full screen without sidebar. for now, it is only accessible via a new row action in the pages report.

because of this change, some mostly not-so-nice core-changes could be removed (mainly that's good because overlay doesn't impact as many things outside the plugin anymore):

other changes:

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7471]) refs #2465

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7472]) refs #2465 iframe dimension fix

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7473]) refs #2465

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7477]) refs #2465

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7479]) refs #2465

This version is the first one that I think is stable. Please deploy on the demo so we can do some more testing.

The next step is translation and documentation. After that, we're ready to release as beta.

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7482]) refs #2465 link new doc page from overlay error message

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7483]) Refs #2465 Will test on demo

timo-bes commented 11 years ago

(In [7486]) refs #2465: using Piwik::isHttps()

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7493]) Refs #2465 FIxing " The only problem is that #row5 links to fifth row, not the row with idSite=5"

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7516]) Refs #2465 Will test on demo

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7519]) Refs #2465 fixing error - but i'm afraid it still not loading on https page on demo.

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7528]) Refs #2465 Will test on demo - this beta should be fairly stable!

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7534]) Fixes #3572 Refs #2465 Overlay work on SSL on demo! NICE!

mattab commented 11 years ago

See #3530 List of Page Overlay Improvements for more info and the current state of the art!

halfdan commented 11 years ago

I have a bug (?) report for Page Overlay, sadly Trac blocked my post so I reposted it on pastebin:

mattab commented 11 years ago

Error is: Strict Notice:</strong> <i>Only variables should be passed by reference</i> in <b>/var/www/htdocs/</b> on line <b>116</b>

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7712]) Refs #2465 Try fixing notice - does it fix it @halfdan?

mattab commented 11 years ago

(In [7713]) Refs #2465 that's better I think

mattab commented 11 years ago

Marking as fixed. Nice work Timo! Hope to see some improvements in Page Overlay later!